Abby or Abbie Livesay
How is Abby's last name spelled?:
1. Charles Edward Brown, Clara L Neal Hedge and Alice Jones Smith say it is spelled Livesay
2. Belva Breiten and Marjorie Jones say it is selled Lev'isse
3. The grave marker says Livesay
When did she die?
1. Charls Edward Brown says 25 Nov 1875
Where is she buried?
1. Shady Grove private cemetery near the edge of the woods at the bottom of Stamps Road.
Who is her mother?
1. Dorothy Riddle Marsh says Rebecca Gross
When did she live?
Abby Livesay 1831 - 25 Nov 1875, Shady Grove, Ten
How many children did she have?
1. Andrew Jackson (Andy) Jones 1857 - 1949, Cookeville, Tn (Delbert's gfather)
.....Son John Sanford Jones b 24 Jan 1892, mSharilda Clementine Stamps on 23 Apr 1923 in Monterey, Tn
2. Andrew Jones 1858, Cookeville, Tn
3. Mary Jones 1859, Cookeville, Tn
4. Mary C. Jones 1859, Cookeville, Tn
5. Mary Lucinda Jones 1859, Cookeville, Tn
6. Samantha Elizabeth Jones 1861 - 1950, Cookeville, Tn
7. William Alfred Jones 1861 - 1903, Cookeville, Tn (Suzanne's direct line ancestor)
8. Julia or Julia Ann Jones 1863 - 1905, Cookeville, Tn
9. Sarilda Jones 1864 - 1938, Cookeville, Tn
10. Wilson W. Jones 1867 - 1956, Cookeville, Tn
11. Edward Jones 1869 - 1942, Cookeville, Tn
12. Blufford Finley Jones 1873 - 1950, Cookeville, Tn
13. Margaret Jones 1875 - 1957, Cookeville, Tn

25 Nov
Age: 44
Cookeville, Putnam, Tennessee, United States: