1. What relative had her leg amputated and soon thereafter died from it's effects?
Elizabeth Stewart, her daughter Margaret Stewart (Robert's Wife) was 12 years old at the time. Margaret later met up with the missionaries and married her home teacher, Robert Gardiner.
2. Which relative worked on the Salt Lake Temple?
Robert Gardiner
3. Which relatives are without gravemarkers?
Anna Sidler and her infant child
William Cumming Rae in the Provo Cemetery, no marker.
4. Which of our relatives served in the armed services?
Eight "Gardiners" and one "Brown."
A. Jane Gardiner 1838 - 1869 (sister to Robert Gardiner)
Jane or Jean married a major in the Crimean War, William Stewart. They were stationed in India for 7 years. She was a nurse to the soldiers. It is said they called her the Second Nightingale. They had two children and in while in India she died of cholera in India.
B. William Stewart returned from India with 2 of Jane's children.
C. Sylvanus Hulet: Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War Document: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, 17 Vols. Vol. 8 page 476
Hulet, Sylvanus.Descriptive list of men raised in Berkshire Co. to serve in the Continental Army for the term of 9 months, agreeable to resolve of June 9, 1779, returned as received of Justin Ely, Commissioner, by Capt. Christopher Marshall, at Springfield, July 16, 1779; Capt. Lancaster's co., Col. Ashley's regt.; age, 20 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 10 in.; complexion, dark; engaged for town of Tyringham; also, list of 9 months men; entered service July 10, 1779; discharged April 10, 1780; also, Private, Lieut. Solomon Jackson's co., Col. John Ashley's regt.; enlisted Oct. 13, 1781; discharged Oct. 20, 1781; service, 12 days, including 4 days (84 miles) travel home; company marched from Berkshire Co. under command of Lieut. Col. John Collar by order of Col. John Ashley, Jr., on an alarm at the Northward; roll dated Tyringham.
Second entry:
Hewlett, Sylvanus. Pay roll for 6 months men raised by the town of Tyringham for service in the Continental Army during 1780; marched to camp July 19, 1780; discharged Jan. 16, 1781; service, 6 mos. 1 day, including travel (80 miles) home.
D. August Weinert
August was a NE volunteer during the civil war. It was his job to guard the border between NE and Missouri from ruffians. He had a pistol and musket and uniform.
E. Augustus Scholl: WWI, Army
Augustus is buried in a military cemetery in Portland, OR.
F. James Gardiner aka June Gardiner: WWII, Navy
JH served as a radio instructor on Treasure Island in the San Francisco Bay after extensive training in that field.
G. Golden Gardiner: WWII, Navy
H. Dean Ottley, husband of Margaret and Gloria Gardiner served in the Navy. He flew on a PBM Bomber between Panama and Guantanamo Bay doing submarine surveillance. C....: "Last year I went with them (Dean and Gloria) to the Pima Air Museum in Tucson. One of the planes that Dean flew in as a gunner is on display at the museum. Before we left the museum there were several people standing around listening to Dean talk about his experiences."
I. James Brown: WWII, army