Clarence was a Bishop from 1925 to 1928. He died Sep 16, 1969 in a SLC rest home at the age of 88. He served a church mission to Scotland 1903 – 1905.
Oct 27, 1965: (To a cousin) “My life has been very uneventful, except for two years in bonnie Scotland, in the interests of our church. This was 1903-05, and I was thrilled in traversing the moors, the heathery hills and the “mountains and the floods,” of that romantic and beautiful land. I wish I could describe it particularly to you. Sometimes maybe I will let my muse take her flight and express some thoughts of the land where you and I might have spent our lives.
Daughter: Margaret and her husband: Jesse Floyd Cannon
Biographical Encyclopedia, vol. 4
477 Gardiner, Clarence L.
Gardiner, Clarence L., Bishop of the Richards Ward, Granite Stake, Utah, from 1925 to 1928, was born May 30, 1881, in Salt Lake City, Utah, the son of Robert Gardiner and Margaret Stewart. He was baptized July 7, 1889, ordained a High Priest May 25, 1924, by Pres. Heber J. Grant, and a Bishop in 1925 by John A. Widtsoe.

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Edna Jackson |
Mack Truck, 1925
Following is a brief sketch of the life of Clarence LeRoy Gardiner, the son of Robert Gardiner and Margaret Stewart, being born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on May 30th 1881; being the sixth child and the fourth son in a family of ten children.
My father and mother being natives of Scotland, they having emigrated to Utah in 1868, being married on board the Sailing Vessel, "Emerald Isle',’ June 20th of that same year, the day that it set sail for America, later arriving in Salt Lake City in November of that year. At the time of my birth the family was living in a home immediately back of where the Kearns Building now stands on Main Street, between 1st and 2nd South. It was near this location that my father had established his Candy Factory and where the older members of the family were born, being in the 14th Ward of the Church. However, when I was two years old we moved about 5 miles west of the city at what is now about 3500 West and Third South Streets, where my early years of childhood and youth were spent, being members of what was then known as the Brighton Ward, a small community of scattered homes and farms.
Brighton Ward was organized among the Church members who had settled west of the Jordan River on February 24th 1867; and as the membership grew, the western part of the Ward was organized as the Pleasant Green Ward, near where the town of Magna now stands today. Then, on February 24th 1884, portions of North Jordan and Brighton Wards were organized as the Granger Ward. The old meeting house is still there today at about 700 South 3400 West. (1953). During the earlier years of my residence in this Ward the meeting house was also the school house and Social Center of that part of the community, the school house later being transferred to another building that was used for educational purposes only.
It was in the environment of the farm, school and Church that the very earliest recollections of my childhood are associated, for we had to a great extent to create our own amusements and we all had, according to our abilities, duties and choirs to fulfill at home. The soil of the farm was somewhat sterile with mineral saturation and salt so prevalent west of the Jordan River, which encroached on the more fertile parts of the land so that the crops were very uncertain of maturing or of yielding a bounteous harvest. My father, having acquired during the period of his business as a Confectioner and Baker, ‘quite a considerable fortune, and finding the farm to be not too productive, decided to venture into a number of speculative investments, which during the somewhat prosperous period, seemed to offer a very lucrative field of returns on his meager investments. However, the financial depression of the early 1890s brought financial as well as economic ruin to thousands of the people throughout the Country, from which my father did not escape; and which finally resulted in the loss of all his holdings, including the farm.
Our early years as children were spent in the simple amusements and in the performing of our choirs that usually fall to the lot of boys on a farm; for we had a few cows and horses and occasionally a pig was killed for our winter pork. I had a large shepherd dog, which was my constant companion and he was a most intelligent beast. The schoolhouse was of a very primitive nature, with all of the classes being conducted in one large room. The teachers, while being devoted and faithful, taught us only the very rudimentary branches of learning, sometimes to the tune of "the hickory stick". I recall very distinctly that during my 1st year at this school one of the larger pupils created a disturbance that seemed to require the discipline of our male teacher. For, as he said, "the punishment must be immediate and severe, so that the authority of the teacher might be sustained in the eyes of his group! On this occasion, the teacher took up a broom and with a very well aimed blow at the skull of Henry he expected to complete the act of punishment, but Henry's physical development seemed to be very far ahead of his mental processes and when the said broom—handle reached its objective it only left a deep dent in the plaster on the wall, for Henry ducked just in time to save his skull from being busted wide-open! Nevertheless there was plenty of potential punishment in the blow, for it made a very deep and lasting impression on the members of the school as well as a mute reminder to all that "to spare the rod is to spoil the child!"
At that time we spent our artless days in whatever forms of activity that we could create, when not being engaged in our chores around the farm, or of bringing in the hay from the fields, by collecting bird's eggs, or just playing games and participating in such other forms of amusement as were common among the boys and girls of the community. For in the winter the canals and different small lakes were frozen over and the lucky boy who had a pair of ice-skates could skim over the frozen water for miles on the ice. It was on one such occasion that a group of boys had skated over a long stretch of ice, when my brother Will and another boy fell through the ice into quite deep water. They nearly froze to death before we were able to rescue them and take them into a nearby vacant house, which had no floor. Then we lit a fire in the middle of the room and the boys stripped off their soaking clothes and after some time we had them dried off enough to return home.
Among the most amusing recollections of those early years were the dances that were held in the meetinghouse by the older members of the community. We younger children were often taken there by our parents or our older brothers and sisters. Blankets and robes were taken along for the youngsters to fall asleep on if they became too tired or drowsy to follow the dancers as they performed their intricate and more-or-less graceful measures of the Virginia Reel, the Quadrille, the Paul Jones, as well as the other dances of that time. The movements of the dance music being accented by the heavy tapping of the foot of old Joe Schoenfeld, the one—piece orchestra, who "fiddled" until the wee small hours of morning. Joe was the son of the Bishop, as well as the distinguished personage who performed on all such occasions. If his services could not be procured, there would be no dance! For the sons of rustic toil and the maidens fair came from far and wide to participate in the night of revelry. The benches were removed to the sides of the room; the fiddler was then seated on a chair atop a table which stood on the elevated part of the podium, which exalted him in the sight of the huge throng to a point almost as high as he felt in his "inner-man"! Then, as the strains of "Old Dan Tucker", or some other familiar tune of the day would float over the animated scene, the caller proclaimed in a stentorian voice the different measures of the dance. The thrill awakened as the sturdy farmer boys escorted their blushing partners to the floor and the rhythm of their movements filled the room, will live in my memory forever!
In a business transaction, my father had acquired in payment of a debt a band of about 150 sheep; and it was my task to lead them to pasture in‘ the morning and to be responsible for their safe return in the evening. However, in some strange manner that task completely baffled me, for no matter how securely I locked them up in their pen at night, in the morning they were gone. They seemed obsessed with an instinct to move towards the east, where most of the sheep men trailed their different herds to the summer range on the grazing lands of the upper Bear River, Chalk Creek, and the upper Weber River drainage. Sometimes this small but ambitious flock had moved for several miles before, with my: faithful dog, I was able to overtake them. On one such occasion they were strung out along the railroad track and the train came along and plowed into ‘them, killing and maiming quite a few.
Then over the few months that we had them, some of them no doubt were stolen, others died or were killed by dogs, and in other ways this small flock was reduced in numbers until my father finally was able to dispose of them. My brother Fred, as a mere boy, was often employed as a camp tender, by some of the sheep owners and he spent much of his time during the summer months out on the range.
A pathetic tragedy that entered our family circle about 1890 was the death of my younger Adeline Maude. She was a very beautiful child of about one year of age and she died of convulsions. Her great suffering and subsequent death made an awful and lasting impression on all of our lives, for our mind could never quite grasp the reason for it.
However, as heretofore observed, there were plenty of activities in which we participated, that bring back pleasant memories of those long gone days. Among these were the different Ward outings to such places as Calder's Park, where Nibley Park Golf Course now is located at 27th South and 7th East Streets. There everybody joined in the festivities, arriving early and staying late. The committees provided amusements of all kinds for both the young and the old. Also there was an excursion to Garfield Beach, just beyond Black-Rock on the southern beach of the Great Salt Lake. On these different occasions, preparations were begun many days in advance; with baked ham, chicken, cakes, pies and everything to satisfy the cravings of the inner-man were provided. The narrow-gauge train stopped at the station of "Beuna Vista" at 8 o'clock sharp in the morning; and all of the choirs of the day were swallowed up in the excitement of being carried by the "iron horse" to a day filled with wonderful and strange experiences, where both family, neighbors and friends spent the day at the resort, until the day ended and all returned home tired but happy to their several homes in the small community.
Another exciting event in my early boyhood that remains in my memory was when my sister, Amelia, took me to the city to witness some vaudeville acts at "Wonderland", which was a show-house opposite to where the Capitol Theatre now stands on 2nd South between Main and West Temple. We came into town to witness, near the Rio Grande depot, the turntable of a terminus of the "Horse-Cars", which were the predecessors of our present elaborate streetcars and busses that are now being used. Acts of legerdemain and magic, with a mixture of songs and dances were performed in the theatre to my utter amazement and bewilderment; and it was a big day in the life of a little boy!
Then when the Salt Lake Temple was completed and the dedicatory services were held, the Church endeavored to allow all who could do so to come and participate in the sacred rites. Father and mother attended and I recall that the day that they were held a terrific gale raged all throughout the valley. Then later, the boys and girls of Sunday school age were permitted to attend. I recall my impressions of that day, for the Temple block showed the evidences of the great activity that had just proceeded the finishing of the great edifice. Ox teams moved about moving huge granite blocks and there was a mass of cables and derricks. Then during part of the ceremonies I remember sitting on one of the steps, and hearing the great "Hosanna" shout, and the assemblage singing "The Spirit Of God Like A Fire Is Burning".
When the electric cars were introduced into the city, my brother, Will, as a "trolley boy',' obtained work on them. As my father's financial condition could not sustain us against his recent reverses, it was resolved that we would move back into the city from the farm, where more opportunities might be provided to retrieve in some small degree our exhausted resources. So about in May of 1894 we had moved again into the 14th Ward where we found an apartment near lst South and 1st West Streets, near to a new school, the Fremont School, which was then nearing completion on 2nd West Street.
As nearly all of the children were then too young to go to work, we passed through a period of extreme poverty and want; although the efforts of my brother, Will, and some odd jobs that father obtained, we never lacked for at least some of the necessities of life. However, as time went on we began to enjoy more of the refinements as well as the requirements of our daily life. At that time, my father resumed his trade as a Candy Maker, but he never again achieved the success that he had enjoyed earlier.
From 1894 to 1902 we resided in the same locality in the 14th Ward, where many happy days were enjoyed and lasting friendships were formed during these years. The wholesome games and amusements with the young people of that community look back upon with a certain degree of pleasure. For the new school was modern and the teachers were all kind and considerate, always alert to the aptitudes and the requirements of the pupils. I now recall with pleasure the experiences of some of the boys and girls who were, like myself, so greatly interested in artwork. So by an arrangement with our art teacher, after school hours a number of us boys would receive special instruction in drawing and in watercolors from Dr. Augsberg. Many of our pictures that we finished were later displayed on the walls of the old school many years after we had graduated. We were received in membership in the 14th Ward in the summer of 1894. In those days Sunday meetings were held in the big new Tabernacle and were attended by all who wished to go, where generally the Presiding Authorities of the Church spoke and where the sacrament was administered by the several Bishops of the city Wards, to the whole congregation. My mother and I frequently attended these meetings; and at one of them, on July 5th 1895, I was ordained to the office of a deacon by Thomas B Taylor who was one of the counselors in the Bishopric of our Ward.
My last year at the Fremont School was very interesting and eventful to me. The completion of the 8th grade in those days was often the end of the regular school membership. So with an uncertain future, so far as educational privileges were concerned, I think we all appreciated the very close friendships that we formed at that time. A great national calamity occurred at that time by the sinking in Havana harbor, Cuba, on February 15,1898, of the U.S.Batt1eship Maine, which precipitated the Spanish-American War; and while the American military forces were universally successful in defeating the Spanish power, the war terminated in the death and misery of many souls. At that time one of my assignments in school was to draw a very large picture of the Maine as well as other decorations preparatory to the graduation exercises. The class had, at that time, formed an association known as the "Pathfinder Literary Society of '98". An artistic program was printed of the Class Motto, a roll of the graduating class and the numbers presented by the different members, which I now will copy into this record!
"The heights of great men reached and kept are not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night!" (by Longfellow).
Song, by the school - - - "The Star Spangled Banner"
Essay on John C. Fremont - - - - Lena Badger
Recitation on The Farmyard Song — - - Ethel Groesbeck
Piano Solo - Fantasy of Faust - — - Alice Foote
Talk on History - Hero Incidents- - — Willard Burton
Essay - Patriotism - — - - Nana Whitbeck
Vocal Solo — "Afterwards" ~ — - - Clint Young
Essay - "Destruction of our Forests" - 1 "Clarence L. Gardiner" Recitation
"How he saved St" Michaels - Effie Greenstreet
Vocal Trio 7 Tessie Mifflin, Clint Young, and Lottie Griggs
Characters from "The Lady of the Lake" - - Genevieve Leaver
Recitation - "The Charge of the Light Brigade" - Tessie Mifflin
Piano Solo — "Pearls and Rubies" - - Bessie McIntyre
The Class Poem - - — - Arthur Edwards
Valedictory - - - - - Zeta Morrie
The 7th Grade's Goodbye - - - Daniel Alexander
"Presentation Q Diplomas"
Closing Song, ''All sing "America" - — - The congregation
Sponsored Ill "The Pathfinder Literary Society pi '98
Then was read the graduating class of the 23 members; and now reading the list after about 55 years, I find that many of them have passed away, some in the very prime of their life and others during the intervening years; and their present place of abode, with the exception of a very few, is now unknown to me, of those now living.
"The summer sky is softly blue,
The birds still sing their sweet old refrain,
But something from the summertime
Is gone that will never come again.
How many voices have been stilled,
How many songs have sensed for aye?
How many hands we used to touch.
Having a great desire to continue my studies and finding financial aid hard to obtain, an opportunity presented itself during the next summer to achieve this ambition. For my brother, Fred, had for a number of summers been working for some of the local sheep men as herder, taking care of their flocks on the public ranges on the water head of Chalk Creek Yellow Creek, and the West Fork of Haydens Creek of the Upper Bear River.
Shortly after he finished his grade school, his camp-tender became very ill and Fred asked me if I would take his place as tender. So with a packhorse and some supplies we trailed the sheep into the then very primitive and primeval forest reserves of the upper Bear River drainage, where we would put up our tent and camp out under the stars wherever the night overtook us, or wherever the grass was good for grazing. In this way we were able to earn some $50. 00 or $60. 06, with practically no expense, except for the shoes and work—c1othes that we wore. This well earned money enabled us to enroll in the L.D.S.Business College during the winter months, where I pursued the study of Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typing etc., which proved to be very beneficial in my later life in the business world. By pursuing my studies during the winter and working in the summertime, the time passed very fast, up until June 1,1901, when I was able to obtain a steady position as Messenger Boy for the Deseret National Bank, through the assistance of Leslie G. Young, one of my good friends from school at Fremont.
The L.D. S. Business College at this time had just moved into their new and commodious building on upper Main Street. However, my employment at the Bank was very interesting to me for my duties took me into most of the business concerns of the city. Then again the officials of the Bank were all very sympathetic and helpful and gave me their friendly advice and assistance in learning the elements of the banking profession; and I have always appreciated the friendly relations with the Hills, Youngs, and all other members of the staff. By now most of them have left this earthly scene and the bank for many years has now passed out of existence, since it was first organized by Brigham Young.
In the latter part of December 1902, our large family moved up on the east side of Salt Lake City to 1243 Alameda Avenue, in the 11th Ward and it was during this season that I met, at a social gathering, my wife to be, Edna Jackson, who was also a member of the 11th Ward. But this was somewhat short lived, for in February of 1903 I received an inquiry from the Church Authorities as to the possibility of my accepting a mission for the Church. At that time I felt that my experiences at the bank had not given me the right training for a mission, especially as a book-keeper to accept the call; and that just possibly after about six more months I would be in a more favorable position, both in my clerical and my financial status, to go on the mission. For I felt that if I had a better working knowledge of banking book-keeping it would help me later on after my mission to again obtain work in my chosen profession as a banker. So I went to the General Authorities of the Church and explained my position to them, which they graciously accepted and acceded to my wishes. However, when I got home my mother was quite out of patience with me for even thinking of postponing my mission. But my mother's concern about me was quite in vain, for the very next day it seems that the one who was responsible for the missionary program forgot his promise to me and I was called and told to prepare to leave for the Great Britain Mission on Apr. 22, 1903. However, before I left, it so happened that I was given the position of regular bookkeeper at the bank, so I received the position and training of which I had felt that I lacked.
Shortly before this time, the Church had organized a night missionary preparation class, which met once or twice a week at Barratt Hall, under the supervision of Benjamin Goddard. Therefore a large group of young men and women availed themselves of this class. The instructions were valuable, but far from reaching the standards at present that are established by the Church of today in giving prospective missionaries a better working knowledge in the proper approach and the doctrines that they were to teach to the people of the world. One thing that I really enjoyed was the contributions that were offered to us as well as to all of those who fulfilled missions for the Church to the different parts of the world.
The following days were very busy as my preparations for my departure went forward. For I was ordained as an Elder by Arthur W. Brown, of the 11th Ward; I passed through the ordinances of the Temple; a farewell was arranged for me in the llth Ward meetinghouse in the evening of April 20th. Then I visited with the Presiding Patriarch of the Church, John Smith; and then on April 2151: together with the other members of the company of missionaries, met in the Salt Lake Temple Annex where I received the following Missionary Blessing from John Henry Smith, an Apostle:
Following is a Missionary Blessing, given upon the head of Elder Clarence LeRoy Gardiner, in the Salt Lake Temple Annex, on April 21,1903, by the Apostle John Henry Smith.
"Brother Clarence LeRoy Gardiner, by virtue of the Priesthood which we hold, we place our hands upon your head and set you apart to the ministry to which you have been assigned by the Holy Priesthood, even to the preaching of the gospel to the people of Great Britain, and we ask our Father to loosen your tongue, to increase your understanding and you capability and to give you faith, that you may go forth declaring the Restoration of the Gospel in the day and age in which you live, and that through the character of your life and your devotion to the ministry, you may be successful in finding your way to the hearts of mankind and impress them with the sacred character of the life and ministry of the prophets and apostles of this dispensation; that you shall establish in their souls a knowledge that Jesus is the Christ and that the principles of truth have been revealed anew to the children of men, never to be taken from the earth again, or given to another people, but to accomplish the regeneration of mankind.
The graces and gifts necessary to these duties we seal upon your head and devote you to the ministry of the Master and set you apart thereto, and we say unto you that in—as-much as you obey the requirements of the gospel, and keep yourself clean and unspotted from the world, you shall know of a surety the truth of the work in which you are engaged and of the effects of the atoning blood of the Redeemer of the world upon the children of men, and you shall gladden the hearts of others as you shall come in contact with them, and your testimony shall bring them to an understanding of the truth.
All things requisite for your good we seal upon your head and devote you to this holy ministry, and we say unto you, "Go in peace and safety; keep yourself free from evil; and set an example that shall be worthy of imitation; and the souls of men shall be given you for your hire; and you shall return in the due time of the Lord, glorifying our Father that He has permitted you to devote your time to this labor. A11 former blessings and promises we seal upon your head and devote you to this labor and say unto you, go and minister in righteousness and return rejoicing in the goodness and mercy of God; and all things will work together for this and through your faithfulness, for we seal them upon you by virtue of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen".
My farewell was attended by a very large group of friends and members of the 14th Ward as well as the 11th Ward. A very pleasing program was presented, being conducted by Ebenezer A. Child, who had just recently returned from a mission to Switzerland. (I attended his funeral on November 15,1953).
A voluntary donation by those attending the farewell was handed to me that amounted to about $75.00, which was approximate fare to Liverpool. Proceeding on the 22nd to Boston, the port of departure, nothing of particular interest transpired, and I arrived there on Monday, Apri1 27th. We spent four days viewing the different points of interest in that old staid New England city and on May 2nd, we set sail for Liverpool at 2:00 PM aboard the SS Commonwealth, a vessel of 13,000 tons register, and 600 feet in length.
My diary of the sea journey indicates that very rough weather was encountered. For ‘hardly had we passed out of Boston Harbor and into the Ocean when some of the passengers were taken violently ill with the sea—sickness.
Sunday: May 3rd, we made 291 miles, with moderate headwinds; North: May 4th, we made 330 miles today with fresh easterly winds, but rough sea;
Tuesday: May 5th, 290 miles were made today, with a fresh easterly gale, w1tH very heavy sea;
Wednesday: May 6th, We missed breakfast, went 280 miles against very strong ESE gale, in very heavy sea. May 7th, We made 348 miles today with strong to moderate ESE gale, and rough to moderate sea.
Friday: May 8th, the ship rolled badly in NE winds and high sea and rough swells.
Saturday: May 9th, 308 miles, fresh NE winds, high sea.
Sunday: May 10th,we went 371 miles today, with fresh NE gale, heavy sea, violent squalls, which swept over the entire decks and all of the passengers, were ordered to go down below and the portholes and the hatches were closed down.
Monday: May 11th, we arrived off Queenstown, Ireland, where the passengers were allowed to visit the countryside while the ones that were going to that country disembarked. While the journey made some of the missionaries violently sick, I was more fortunate in escaping that dreadful experience. With one of my companions, I spent as much time on deck as was possible, out in the fresh air and away from the churning waters at the stern of the vessel.
Tuesday: May 12th, at 9:00 AM, we arrived at the port of Liverpool, where my parents set sail about 35 years earlier, on June 20th 1868. Some of the missionaries from the Headquarters of the European Mission at 42 Islington Place, were on the dock to greet us. A meeting for our final instructions before we would be assigned to the various Conferences of the European Mission was held in the hall, where President Francis M. Lyman was the principle speaker. I received my letter of appointment assigning me to labor in the Scottish Mission Conference, being accompanied by Fred G. Baker. Visiting the Art Gallery and the Museum the next morning, we bade farewell to the brethren and left for Glasgow, arriving there at 9:00 PM, and were met at the depot by President McDonald and escorted to the headquarters of the conference at #53 Holmhead Street. The weather was cold and rainy, a condition that I was to experience for many weeks during my stay in Scotland. King Edward and the Queen were visiting in the city and big celebrations were being held in their honor, with many flags decorating the buildings, and with barricades along the side streets, where the parades were passing by. On the following day we had a good view of the Royal Couple and their entourage. As a Conference had been held the previous Sunday, all of the missionaries were in Glasgow and I was taken by a number of them to visit some of the members there.
We soon initiated into the activities of mission life, with street meetings being frequently held, and the members met in the afternoon and evening in a large hall belonging to the Masonic Fraternity. Our street meetings were frequently disturbed by some fanatical religionists, who felt obligated to warn the auditors of the terrible doctrines and practices of the "Mormonites from the Great Salt Lakes" in America! Being assigned with Brother George A. S. Smith to labor in the city of Dumfries, in the south of Scotland, we left on the 22nd, obtained our lodgings and I here began the activities which would occupy my entire time and effort for the next two years.
The city of Dumfries had a population of about 30,000, with many beautiful stone churches,‘ and well supplied with ministers of the Established and other churches. We soon started holding street meetings, but found a very profound indifference to our messages, so our activities were more—or-less confined to tracting and trying to form some friendships among the people. We spent a day in Kilmarnock, v visiting elder Smith's uncle, who, with his wife were laboring there. We also visited many points of interest, among which was Dean Castle, which had been built in about the 5th century. There were also many different shrines in remembrance of Robert Burns, who lived near this place and often visited it and referred to it in some of his poems about some of the characters of the town. Returning, we held quite a number of street meetings and my ability to give expression to my thoughts began to improve; as did much of my timidity that I suffered suddenly disappeared. Dumfries was a beautiful city on the banks of the Nith River. On the opposite bank was the town of Maxwelltown, that was famous in the popular Scottish song of "Annie Laurie". Here we distributed our tracts and left for Edinburgh.
Ah! Edinburgh! The "Athens of the North!" The capital of Scotland! What a beautiful city, that is filled with all of the romance and the glamor of hundreds of years of Scottish history; to which now-a-days is added the modern buildings and thoroughfares. For today there are many fine stores and hotels to accommodate the thousands of tourists who find the time to visit this fabulous city of old.
When we arrived in Edinburgh a large and energetic crowd of Church members greeted us and treated all of us missionaries from Utah with a great respect and assisted us in our labors of declaring the Gospel to all who would listen. Then, in company with the missionaries that were all“ ready there, we visited many of the points of interest in the city. We ascended Colton Hill, from where we had an excellent view of the city and its surrounding countryside. At the foot of High Street we viewed the ancient Abbey and Palace of Hollyrood. We saw the great paintings and the tapestries of our early Scottish ancestors. We also saw the apartments of Queen Mary, that stalwart queen of old. At the upper end of High St. stands the great castle which contains many of the relics of earlier years; and it is now the station of a regiment of British soldiers. This castle is where many great tragedies of earlier history have transpired among our earlier ancestors. Then there is Princes‘ Street, which runs over a mile from the foot of Calton Hill, westward; and it is reputed to be one of the most beautiful thoroughfares in the world. The south side of the street, from the North British Hotel, is very beautifully landscaped with a vast variety of floral designs, interspersed with monuments of the heroes of old. Then there are the great Art Galleries and other public buildings, monuments to Sir Walter Scott being a notable example. A long spiral staircase ascends to the upper part of one of these buildings that is made of stone. From this high point we were very fortunate to be able to witness a parade of over 1,000 soldiers, all dressed in their colorful kilts and plaids, with the huge bear-skin caps, in the vanguard of which were about 150 pipers. It was a very thrilling sight to behold! Then, the north side of Princes ' Street is devoted to modern stores and office buildings.
Many of the missionaries came into Edinburgh at this time for a brief meeting and visit, where many meetings were held for us, but we still had plenty of time to visit places of interest as well as to have some recreation in and around the city. Miss Margaret Thurman and Miss Minnie Tout, (who was studying music in London), accompanied by elder Thomas McKay, who was just returning from his mission to Germany, spent some time with us, and rendered assistance to us in our meetings. An interesting incident that I enjoyed was a trip over the Firth of Forth over to Aberfoir on the opposite shore and then up and under the great Forth Bridge! Then on the 3rd of September we proceeded up to Glasgow where we spent a few days holding street meetings, when elder Smith and I were appointed to proceed to a small town called Tyndrum, which was some distance to the northwest, among the glens and lochs of the west highlands. On the train, we passed through the beautiful lake region known as "The Trossachs"; and one of the larger lakes was known as Loch Katrine, which was situated in the region and the setting of the romantic poem of Sir Walter Scott: "The Lady of the Lake!” and since I remembered this poem from my 8th grade in the Fremont School, the remembrance of the plot brought added interest to me; and then in viewing this lovely lake with its gorgeous scenery of glen and forest, I could almost visualize the scene of the magnificent Stag that Sir Walter described in his poem! This poem now follows:
The stag at eve had drunk his fill, where danced the moonlight on Monon’s rill, And deep his midnight lair had made, In lone G1enartney's hazel shade; But when the sun his beacon red, Had kindled on Benvoir1ich's head, The deep-mouthed b1oodhound's heavy bay, Resounded up the rock way; And faint, from farther distance borne, Were heard the clanging hoof and horn.
As Chief, who hears his warder call, "To Arms! The foemen storm the wall. The antler'd monarch of the waste Sprung from his heathery couch in hast, But ere his fleet career he took, The dew-drops from his flanks he shook; Like crested leader proud and high, Toss'd his beam'd frontlet to the sky; A moment gazed adown the dale, A moment the tainted gale, A moment listen'd to the cry, That thicken'd as the chase drew nigh; Then, as the headmost foes appear'd, With one brave bound the copse he c1ear‘d, And, stretching forward free and far, Sought the -wild heaths of Uam-Var!*
We were entering the Scottish Highlands, "land of the mountain and the flood!" “The land of wild heath and shaggy wood!” the lands where the Clans had lived and where they had carried on their wars and forays for hundreds of years, and the very air seemed to be filled with the spirit of romance, and in my imagination I could fill these glens with the sound of the "pibroch" and bagpipes and see the gathering of the Clans clad in their picturesque dress, tartans, arms and armorian insignia; and I imagined that I could hear the "Cath-Chaim" or battleshout in the ancient Gaelic tongue. I suppose that you think that I have a very vivid imagination, but, well, you are right! For my mother, being descended from this ancient clan of Stewart—Stuart, and having lived in this very spot, brought her tales to us, as youngsters listening to her recital of tales of these very highlands, it now aroused in my soul many strange and happy sentiments, as I passed through this lovely region!
Proceeding on our journey to Tyndnum, the scenery became more/rugged and mountainous. The "Crofters" or small land tenants apparently wrung a very meager living from the small arable tracts of land in these valleys, but many of them had flocks of hardy highland cattle; (a small species had very shaggy long hair and horns like Texas Longhorns); also many sheep which found their forage among the broom grass, heather and ferns of the rugged hillsides, which grew in rich profusion. It now being the rainy season, the clouds and the mists rolled down from the mountaintops and presented to us a scene of awful sublimity. Finding that the town of Tyndrum was just a small hamlet of only a few homes, we proceeded to the little town of Oban, on the west coast of Scotland, about 115 miles northwest of Glasgow. The mountains increased in height and the dense woods, filled with a profuse growth of small shrubs and wild ferns, "pleased the heart and gladdened the eye". Arriving in Oban in the evening of Sept.8th, we obtained lodgings, and on the morrow we saw the sights in and around the town, which was a favorite summer home for many of the rich and influential tourists. However, at the time of our arrival, the rains of early winter had commenced and the cold and bitter winds began to blow in from the North Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. However, many of the days were a bit warmer and pleasant, so we enjoyed our stay by walking many miles through the woods and along the coast, tracting and making many new acquaintances through our street meetings. One of the things that interested me was the livestock market. Sheep and cattle were brought in from the many islands that lay off of the west coast. They were brought to the mainland in large row—boats, which sometimes seemed as if they would be submerged by the weight of the load. The services in the Churches were conducted sometimes in the Gaelic tongue, which seemed to be the daily language of the people; and which was quite prevalent all through the highlands. Our sojourn in Oban lasted until the 23rd of Oct. and as the winter weather was becoming very disagreeable and we had ended our labors there, we took the train to Glasgow, stopping for three days at a small town called Dalmally, near Tyndrum, and here we had a fine view of a large loch as well as the surrounding countryside. This was Loch Awe. Here we distributed some tracts and attended the local Church.
Returning to Glasgow, I spent several months as the Clerk of the Conference, handling what supplies and mail that arrived for the missionaries and compiling the monthly and annual reports, which duty occupied very considerable time. When not thus engaged, I would join with the other boys in visiting the Saints, holding meetings, both in Glasgow and in the surrounding territory, visiting such places as Airdrie, Motherwell, CrossGates, Burnbank, Paisley, etc. and making several trips to Edinburgh on the occasions of a gathering for a district meeting, or an excursion to some place of interest where an excursion of the members was being held.
The days and the evenings seemed all too short to permit us to fulfill all of our appointments, and the time passed very agreeably. One of the high—lights of our ministry was the Semi—Annual Conference, held in Glasgow, and conducted by the President of the European Mission, who, at that time was Francis M. Lyman. He was later succeeded by Heber J. Grant, and a Conference was held on May 8th 1904. At these conferences all of the missionaries participated and then reported their activities and received further instructions as to the conduct of their work. The unhealthy condition of the climate, with its "Scotch Mist" and heavy fog and smoke, was most oppressive and I welcomed the opportunity the following summer of 1904 to be released from my Clerical duties in some of the districts of Ayrshire.
As I had always been somewhat entranced by the many poetical works of Robert Burns, and had a pretty good understanding of the meaning of many words of the Scottish dialect, it was with a great degree of pleasure that I visited the scenes of his birth and early life. Possibly the most famous of these was in the "auld biggin"' where he was born and which is now a famous shrine, containing a museum of relics that were associated with his early life. Close by is the "kirk" that was made famous in his weird tale of the "Tam o' Shanter": and winding through the beautiful landscape of birch and hawthorne is the "Doone river", which is only a small stream spanned at this point by an old stone bridge. One of Burn's most romantic songs, "Ye Banks and Braes of Bonnie Doon", how can ye bloom sae fresh and fair?" was composed by him in this setting. Throughout the district of Ayrshire were quite a number of scattered members of the Church and so we spent a good part of the summer just going from one home to another, walking sometimes many miles and staying with our friends whenever night overtook us. Then being located in the little town of Troon, on the sea coast for sometime, elder John Cooper, my companion, and myself spent many pleasant journeys to Galston and Kilmarnock and proceeded to the home of James Campbell at Darvel. Having notified him of our coming, he met us part way on our journey and we stopped at Louden Castle, which was an ancient and ivy covered stone building, at which place an outdoor concert and variety program of speeches etc. was being held. The woods and vegetation in this section of the country was most delightful to pass through. Robert Burns immortalized these surroundings in his song: "Loudoun's Bonnie Woods and Braes", and which Brother Campbell sang to us as we trudged along the old country road to his home in Darvel, which was some distance from the old Castle. As elder Cooper wished to take a trip over to Ireland, I returned to Glasgow and spent some time in Troon on August 8th visiting Edinburgh and other places of interest, among which was a trip with the members on a picnic to the "Braid Hills", south of Edinburgh where there is a famous Golf Course; also I- went to Colinston's Glen and to Portobello, a summer resort on the sea shore east of Edinburgh. Then returning to Troon we made another tour of the surrounding districts and members; when going to Ayr we met elder Edward F. Thompson, who had just been transferred from an English conference to Scotland, the land of his birth; and I spent some of my most eventful days of my mission as his companion in the city of Airdrie. While visiting the birthplace of Bobbie Burns and other places of interest, he was accompanied by his cousin and a lady friend of hers. Here I accompanied them in visiting Burns’ cottage, the museum, auld Alloway Kirk, a monument, the auld and new Brigs 0' Doon and the esplanade and pier and the old and new Brigs o’ Ayr. Then returning to Glasgow I remained there until August 24th 1904 when I was transferred to Airdrie to continue my labors with Edward F. Thompson, where I remained until October 18th.
Airdrie is a city of about 25,000, and is about 12 miles east of Glasgow. It is a great industrial city of coalmines and steel mills. The surrounding countryside is a monotony of very drab scenery, rather poor dwellings and many of the natives of the lower laboring class, However, we found quite a number of Church members, possibly 30, whose hearts were warm to us and they treated us with great kindness and assisted us in the work of that Branch. Elder Thompson was a very jovial and lovable companion; and he was born near to this place and he was now about 34 years of age; and he had been laboring in England and was transferred to Scotland because that was the land of his ancestors. As a boy, his mother ha-d died and his father was uninterested in him and left him with his grandfather, who raised him as one of his own family. Some of his cousins and uncles had migrated to Idaho and were engaged in the sheep-raising business; and as a young man he had joined them. They all later moved to Bluff, Utah, in San Juan County, and here he was engaged in building some of the stone schoolhouses. He always professed to be an infidel, and had given little attention to the Christian faith. He met at this time, as fate would have it, Annie Allen, the daughter of the Bishop of Bluff; and they were natives of Scotland. Affection ripened into love, but Annie felt that she could never surrender her faith in "Mormonism" to spend her life with a man who professed no faith in any religion. Edward was quite amazed at her strong attitude, and that it must be a tremendous faith, or superstition, that could have such an influence on anyone. So, he investigated very seriously and the evidences of the divinity of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints completely converted him. So he took leave of his new wife and small children and went to fulfill his mission for the Church. He was a fearless defender of the faith and he labored with great diligence in tracting from door to door and holding street meetings, being a very powerful preacher. My few weeks’ association with him was among the most interesting and profitable of my entire two years in the mission field.
In later years he moved to Salt Lake City, in the Sugar House district, working at his chosen profession of bricklayer on some of the larger buildings here in Salt lake City. I met with him very often, and later had to speak at he having died of cancer at his home at 2010 So.l0th East Street, where his wife, Annie, now resides.
At Airdrie we held many street meetings at the "Cross", and encountered a tremendous opposition from some of the more pious religionists of the town, particularly by one Mr. Wann, the principal Elder of one of the large congregations, who was as pious an old religious fraud as anyone could ever want to meet! We later learned that aside from his great profession/ to piety, he had been found guilty of seducing quite a number of women in the different communities where he had been located as the agent of a large Insurance Company, and that he had to leave one town before two days.
We visited many of elder Thompson's old friends, and as there were a number of Church members in the surrounding communities, we were kept very busy keeping our appointments. Frequently the elders from Glasgow and the surrounding parts would come and spend a weekend with us. Edward has been a great student of Robert Burns ‘poems, and quite frequently, after a lively session at a street meeting we would relax at our lodgings and he would have me read the book of Burns, explaining the meaning of many of the passages in the Scottish dialect and correcting my crude pronunciation. I thus acquired a great love for the deep pathos and the ludicrous passages of that great bard, which has brought me many hours of pleasure later on.
Spending a few weeks in Govan, really a suburb of Glasgow, with elder Ritchie, I had frequent opportunities to revisit some of my former haunts and friends. One of these was over to Edinburgh, with some of the missionaries, and I attended one of the bigger soccer football games. Elder Angus T. Lochead was one of the boys that I was to accompany as his companion to Dunfermline. While I was in Glasgow on November 16th I officiated at the baptism of quite a number of new members who were confirmed at a cottage meeting later that was held in our office. November 28th, I received my appointment to go to Dunfermline, a small community just across the Firth of Forth, and the home at one time of Andrew Carnegie, who later became one of the greatest steel industrialists of America. Then after a brief visit to Edinburgh we left and arrived at our destination on December 6th. The town, no doubt, is very ancient, for the streets are all narrow and very crooked, and many of the buildings are quaint and old. Also there are many evidences that the place had once been the highway of some of the stirring scenes of early Scottish history. Robert the Bruce, one of the early defenders of independence and one of the first rulers of the land is reputed to be buried here, and his tomb is in the ruins of one of the ancient Abbeys. I learned later that my grandfather, James Gardiner Jr., had lived here, and his membership papers are here in the Dunfermline Branch records of the Church. The winter was very wet and disagreeable; with only a very few Church members living in the vicinity, and so it was a pleasant relief when on February 21st I received a letter from the Church office, transferring me back to Edinburgh, where I was to spend practically all of the remainder of my time on my mission; and on March 1,1905 I arrived; and elder Lochead going over to Glasgow.
My new companion in Edinburgh was "Uncle" Hugh McKay, a man of 62 years of age, from Willard, Utah. I think that he was an uncle of President David O. McKay. He was a profound student, a good preacher, and a very lovable character. Sometimes in his more studious moments he seemed to be so engrossed in his thoughts that he was oblivious to his surroundings. Our time was fully occupied with the ministry, preaching, and tracting and in visiting the quite numerous members of the branch. One of the sad incidents at this time was the death of a very fine young man, Peter Watson, who was investigating the gospel through us. He was about 18 years of age, and he had enlisted in the British Army. We conducted his funeral service in a small chapel at the Hospital, with only his immediate family present. Elder McKay spoke, and then the body was placed on a gun carriage, the casket was draped in the "Union Jack", and escorted by a band and company of Infantry to the cemetery, where I dedicated the grave.
While I was visiting in Glasgow I received, on May 20th, 1905, the long blue official letter from Liverpool advising me of my release, to return home in June of that year. I availed myself of the privilege afforded me of visiting many of the places of my labors. Visiting Dalmeny I viewed the great Forth Bridge and saw the great British channel fleet; also I went over to Dunfermline, where 1 purchased some linen from sister Hutchinson, who was working in one of the mills there. Then I visited Sauchie, and thence to Edinburgh; and on the evening of the 31st, a large group of friends gave me the parting hand at the depot as I left for Glasgow. They all joined in singing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again". My deepest feelings were stirred at this manifestation of their thoughtfulness and affection for me. A feeling of sadness then came over me as I was leaving, that I cannot describe at this time. I had hoped that we would all meet again, but it was very doubtful! From Glasgow I visited the members in the towns of Shettleston, Airdrie, Hamilton, Cross-Gates and Motherwell; and then on the 8th, 1 left Glasgow for Liverpool on my homeward journey, arriving there at 7:30 P.M. and at Road, the headquarters of the mission, I attended a meeting with President Grant and a large group of returning missionaries from the different countries of Europe.
Friday: June 9,1905: At noon I boarded the RMS Arabic, which finally reached the docks and sailed down the Mersey River at 5:00 PM. and we then entered the Irish Sea, homeward bound! Quite a number of the missionaries who had landed with me at Liverpool on May 12,1903, were again returning home. The Arabic was a mighty ocean liner of some 750 feet in length. During World War I, it was used as a troop transport and it was torpedoed by a German submarine and was lost with all on board.
As the vessel was passing around the south coast of Ireland I experienced one of the greatest shocks of my life. We were in the midst of a tremendous fog and the foghorn had been blowing in the early morning, but as I went out on deck, alone, all seemed to be very quiet. Then, as I was walking up near the bow and gazing into the impenetrable fog, there suddenly appeared directly in our path, as if rising out of the ocean, a great ocean liner, which was cutting diagonally across our bow only seconds before we reached what would have been a few seconds later a most terrible collision! The ship glided past like a great ghost and then vanished into the fog. I do not think that any of the other passengers were on board the deck at that time, but I do know that my heart stood still at that moment! I know that the lookout on the bridge no doubt saw the incident, for immediately the foghorns began a tremendous bellowing, which continued incessantly until we were out of the fog area. Nothing of interest occurred on the voyage and we arrived in Boston Harbor on the 17th, and proceeded thence on to Chicago, where I laid over for a day to view the sights; and then we went on to Kansas City on the Chicago and Alton Railroad train. Leaving there via the Missouri Pacific I went to Pueblo, Colorado; thence by the DERG Railroad through Glenwood Springs and Grand Junction, Colorado. Arriving in Provo, Utah, I purchased a morning paper and learned that the train carrying the company which I had left, when I remained in Chicago, was wrecked near Pinto and 29 passengers were either injured or killed.
I arrived in Salt Lake City at about 11:00 AM. on June 23, 1905, just 26 months from the date of my departure for England. The wide streets and low buildings (there were no sky-scrapers in the city then) impressed me with a sense of flatness, after being in so many cities that had long winding, narrow streets with long rows of houses and buildings of various heights. Before proceeding on to my home on Alameda Avenue, I called in at the Deseret National Bank, where I was greeted by my former associates, and they all seemed very glad to see me back again. Mr. Young, the cashier, asked me if I wanted to start work right away; and I assured him that I did, but thought that I would like to have a day or two to get adjusted. He told me that it would be all right, but to be sure and return to work on Monday morning. So I telephoned home and then called a certain young lady with whom I had kept up a correspondence during my absence. Then I met with my family a little later, except with my Father, who was at that time out with a surveying party on the Green River. Then I went over to visit Edna at her home at 643 East 3rd South Street.
Then I went back into my daily routine of trying to make a living at the bank. My Church activities were performed in the 11th Ward, where I was assigned to teach Sunday school classes of boys and girls about 14 years old; and the subject was on The Book of Mormon. Then I assumed the position of Secretary to the Elders ' Quorum. Because of my knowledge of Shorthand, I began working over at the Deseret Savings Bank on 151: South, as Judge Elias A. Smith, the cashier of that bank, had a great need for a clerk to take dictation and to make out the legal papers in connection with their many loans, etc. Here, I also acted as the Bookkeeper and also the Teller, which employment continued until 1918, when I left this bank and was employed at the Granite Furniture Co. This didn't work out too well, so I again quit my job and went to work for the Federal Reserve Bank as the Paying Teller. I also worked for the Saltair Offices at the same time.
As the work was getting me down at the Federal Reserve Bank, for I had to stand up all day long just counting money and more money, and still more money! So I quit and went to work for Stevens 1% Wallis, who were in the printing and advertising business; and I stayed with them for about years, or up till the time that the Great Depression was getting started in 1929. The reason that I had to keep changing jobs was on account of being sustained as the Bishop of Richards Ward on August 2, 1925, which job required too much of my time to suit my erstwhile employers. As the pay was not enough to sustain my family by working for Stevens 55 Wallis, I had to take on several extra jobs on the side, at the Hyland Lumber Co., the Sugar House Lumber Co. and the Hyland Motor £20., all as Bookkeeper! With all of this extra work, I was only able to earn around $60.00 a month which was not nearly enough to take care of my family and help the widows and the under privileged people of the Ward. For at that time the Ward was filled with many old people that could not take care of themselves in a normal way. There were about 2600 people in the Richards Ward at that time, and the Church allowed only $2,500.00 per year for its upkeep; and if the budget went over that amount, it was up to the Bishop to make up the difference. Then I went to work at the Presiding Bishop's Office and about 1934 I went to work steady for Zion's Savings Bank and Trust Company for a period of about 16 years, when I was retired on September 30,1950. This ended my period of activity in the business world, and I have to reconcile myself to a life of more or less leisure during my remaining years. I will, however, pursue this narrative with some of my Church and social activities of my life during the period of my married life.
On June 20, 1907 I married Edna Jackson, the daughter of Samuel Beswick and Esther Alice Jackson, who resided at 643 East 3rd South St.; and where our reception was held that evening. The ceremony was performed in the Salt Lake Temple, by President John R. Winder, a member of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The date was on the 39th anniversary of the marriage of my father and mother on the sailing ship "Emerald Isle" in Liverpool Harbor in 1868, the date that they set sail for America and Zion. Many of our mutual friends called during the reception, after which we moved into our little home at 2280 South8th East Street, in the suburb known as Forest Dale, with which Ward we were received as members a short time later.
The community of Forest Dale and Ward received us with warm friendship and some of the choicest contacts in our life were made there. The Ward boundaries extended from 21st South on the north, 5th East on the west, and 9th East on the east, and about 27th South on the south, being a part of Granite Stake, which covered a great part of the valley south of 13th South and which had been organized only about 7 years at that time.
Our next-door neighbors were T. Albert Hooper and his wife, Lily, who had been married just 8 days prior to our wedding. In a very short time, Lily and Edna were teaching in the Religion Class and T.A. and myself were called to assist in the MIA. I was later called to the Stake Board of the Religion Classes, which duty called for me to visit the many different Wards of the Stake. This was a most enjoyable assignment and I found many congenial co-workers engaged in the Wards and on the Stake Board, among which were Dan Jones, brothers Brinton, Burton, Fullmer, Lon Fisher and Orson Rawlins. For a number of years I presided as the Stake Superintendent of the Religious Classes and during those years we had the largest enrollment of children in the Church. On many occasions I was assigned to visit some of the Stake Conferences, by the General Board, to represent them in the work. One of these Conferences took me to Price, Utah, where I was to stay with the Stake President over night. Leaving home somewhere around 5 o'clock, the train was delayed for several hours somewhere along the route and I did not reach my destination until about 2 o'clock in the next morning.
I located the house and rapped on the door. Everything was quiet as a tomb. I again knocked, but this time very much louder, but no one could hear me; and as I was trying to decide; -just what to do, a young lady, who was a member of the family, came home from her date and let me into her younger brother's bedroom, with whom I was to sleep. In the morning he opened up his eyes and didn't seem a bit surprised to see me; and I presume that it was quite a common event to him to have visitors stay over night. In the Ward Elders Quorum I enjoyed my membership and here I met George S. Spencer, the Cashier of Zion's Savings Bank, he being one of the Presiding Officers. On the 29th of April 1912, I was ordained as a Seventy, by Clarence M. Cannon, one of the Presidents of the Quorum.
Our little family continued to increase and we had to begin to think seriously of getting a larger house. So on October 16th, 1916, I wrote the following in my diary: "Nine years have slipped away and many changes have occurred. Dorothy is nearly 8 years old; Melvin is about 6, and he keeps the girls on the block all stirred up, in company with his "twin" brother, Eugene Hooper! (They were born at the same hour, on the same day, the 2nd of February 1911). Margaret will soon be 4 years old, and William Stewart is now 15 months old".
On one of my assignments I visited Farmington, Utah and during the meeting I had the pleasure of confirming my nephew, Gardiner, as a member of the Church. The years proceeding my call to the Bishopric of Richards Ward were filled with many and varied activities, being occupied in Stake and Ward duties and activities. For there were many Wards in the Stake and the Board members were always invited to attend such events as the Ward Conferences, the Quarterly Conferences, and the regular weekly meetings of the different associations. One of my pleasing offices during this time was to act with Brother James H. Wallis as a teacher of a large Quorum of Priests in the Forest Dale Ward. We were particular in trying to impress them with the determination of participating actively in doing the work of the Church. I now will insert a synopsis of one of my talks: "No matter what our efforts amount to in studying the gospel, or what beautiful theories we may have, when all is said and done and the end is reached, our success and our satisfaction will only be measured by what we do, rather that what we know and say, and that we would get more joy and satisfaction from performing a duty to assist the Bishop, or of fulfilling a duty of their office than from listening to a most eloquent discourse!"
I recorded in my diary that on November 21, 1916, President Francis M. Lyman had passed away and his funeral was held on this date. He had presided over the European Mission the fore part of my sojourn over there. November 25, Dorothy was baptized by Delbert Osguthorpe of East Mill Creek. December 24, a blizzard was raging and on Christmas day we had a very fearful snowstorm. All traffic of railroads, street cars, etc., were para1iz3< We were perfectly satisfied to just remain indoors, but aunt May and uncle Henry insisted on us going to their place and they sent Ray with their old auto to take us up. It was a very hazardous ride in all of that deep snow, but we arrived safely and had a very pleasant time with all of their children, grandpa and grandma Jackson. It was too stormy to venture out, so we all remained over night. Closing the books at the end of the year, I noted that the profits for the year were 85% of the Capital Stock, "However, the men who don't earn the profits, always reap the benefits because they own the stock!" The deposits in the Deseret Savings Bank totaled $3,281,000.00 at this time. Judge Smith and I doing all of the Clerical work ourselves.
February 4,1917: While we were visiting Henry Cou1am's I received a phone call from Arnold Reiser that my mother was very sick. I left immediately to go and see her. She was then unconscious when I arrived and she was in the advanced stages of Pneumonia, and at 4:15 she passed away. Father,
Charles, Margaret and I were home when the end came. After notifying the rest of the family I wrote a brief history of her life for the Newspapers.
On the 7th day of February, l917, her funeral services were held in the 11th Ward chapel, at which A. W. Brown, John M. Knight and Bishop William Armstrong spoke, and Lillie Shipp and others sang. That evening the members of our family met at Eva's, where Beatrice and family, Fred, father, Charles and Nellie (William's widow) and family were all present. Then with many social as well as Church activities the time passed rapidly. Edna was kept busy with the care of the four children, but she managed to continue in her Church activities in the Religion." Class. We were frequently privileged to attend the theatre and the shows that were presented in the Ward and Stake. All of the members of the community acted in unison and enjoyed themselves, seeming to desire to just follow the dictum of the poet: "Who learns and learns, but acts not what he knows, is one who plows and plows, but never sows!"
Now finding our home entirely too small for our growing family, we moved on October 23rd 1917 from 2280 South8th East St. east to the Sugar House suburb, to 928 Hollywood Avenue, where we have resided until the present time. We were still in the Granite Stake, but in Richards Ward, which had been organized about 1914, being formerly the west section of Sugar House Ward. The boundaries of this Ward at that time extended from 7th to 10th East, and south from 17th South to the Railroad tracks near Simpson Ave. east of 9th East and to 21st South west of 9th East. It was in this home at 928 Hollywood Ave. that Alan Jackson and Alice, our two youngest children were born.
We affiliated with the new Ward and I was accepted as a member of the 195th Quorum of Seventy, and besides continuing my activities in Stake work, I was appointed a teacher of the Priests! Quorum: The year of 1918 was rather uneventful so far as changes were concerned, but it was to be a year full of sickness and trouble for many people. For Mumps and other maladies were very common. Then the great and terrible Spanish Flu epidemic struck our part of the Country with a tragic impact! It carried off many victims, both old and young; and some of them appeared to be in perfect health. However, it was no respecter of persons. I had been suffering for some time with a chronic case of appendicitis, and on October 20th on a Sunday evening, I was notified by Dr._David Andrew to proceed as quickly as 1 could to the Holy Cross Hospital, it being somewhat difficult to enter before because of the many "flu" cases. That very same evening, Stewart, our baby, was attacked by the Spanish Flu, which continued to each member of our family, including father and mother Jackson, who were staying with Edna during my stay in the Hospital. The disease, however, was comparatively light, and by the time I was discharged from the hospital, 19 days later, they had all recovered. While I was in the hospital, the Armistice was signed, terminating World War I. The account of the severity of the scourge can be noted by all of the schools and Churches being closed at this time, and very stringent rules were being enforced, regulating meetings of any kind where contagion was possible. It was not until early in February of 1919 that any social conditions returned to normal, with the subsidence of the epidemic.
Some changes in my Church calling, and at the risk of possibly proving monotonous to the reader, I will now record herein some items from my diary.
February 7,1919: I met in council meeting with Supt. Willard C. Burton and brother Bringhurst to discuss our season's work in the Re1igion. C1ass work. Brother Burton informed me that he had been called to the High Council of the Stake and that he would not be associated with us for much longer. This was very sad news for the rest of us, especially for me, for I loved him as a father, and we had had many times of refreshing together. He had been in the Superintendency for many years, and we had visited all of the different Wards of the Stake together many times and we had rejoiced together many times with our workers. February 9th, I attended my Quorum meeting with our workers of the Seventies; then I took my position in the Sunday school as a teacher in the Priests‘ Quorum and had a very pleasant discussion with the boys on the prophecies contained in the 21st Chapter of Luke. Then at 5 o'clock we went to the Sugar House Ward, where we then attended Conference in that Ward. Brother Burton and Brother Bringhurst were both there and so we had a meeting with our officers, before the regular meeting started. Brother Joseph F. Merrill gave a memorial address at the Conference in honor of President Theodore Roosevelt, who had just recently passed away. President Frank Y. Taylor spoke to us of the great necessity of "Putting our house in order", and of the feeling that he had that the Priesthood would be called upon to do a great missionary work in the very near future. The following evening we met with Frank K. Seegmiller and the representatives of the Auxiliary Associzations of the Stake to consider the proper methods to pursue in establishing teacher-training classes, in the MIA in every Ward. Then on Tuesday I took charge of the advanced class of the MIA and discussed Joseph Smith's inspired version of the 24th Chapter of Matthew, showing forth many of the coming signs of the last days. February 14th: I was called to President Frank Y. Taylor's office, where he informed me that on account of Willard C. Burton having been called to the High Council, I had been chosen unanimously by the Council to act as Superintendent of the Stake Religion Classes Organization. Then on the following Sunday I attended Ward Conference in the Burton Ward, with a very large attendance. President Taylor urged all to attend to their duties and to get a personal testimony of the divinity of the work, for, said he, "The time will surely come when those who do not know for themselves that this work is true, will fall away!" On the 23rd I attended the Stake Priesthood meeting, at which Brother Burton was released from his office as Superintendent of the Religion Classes and I was sustained in that office. I was set apart to this calling on March 2nd by Brother Burton, together with my counselors, John B. Bringhurst as the First Counselor and John Osborne Jr. as my Second Counselor. In the Prayer Circle of Joseph Fielding Smith, held weekly in the Temple, of which I was a member, Brother Smith WARNED US OF A MOVEMENT OF WICKEDNESS THAT APPEARED TO BE ARISING AMONG CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH!
February 28th, Melvin was baptized by my good friend, Samuel Neff; and he was confirmed on March 2nd 1919. Then in November I was released from the Superintendency and was called shortly afterwards to the Stake Sunday School Board as the Second Counselor to Wilford C. Brimley, and served until May of 1924, when I was released.
Sunday, May 25th 1924, Granite Stake was divided, at which time I was sustained as a member of the High Council, together with John F. Bowman and Leonidas Fisher, this being the highest council in the Stake and presided over the Stake Presidency. President Heber J. Grant was in attendance and after the regular meetings he ordained me as a High Priest and then set me apart as a member of the High Council.
My tenure in office in the High Council continued for about a year, and on May 24, 1925 I was nominated by the High Council to be the new Bishop of Richards Ward. Bishop Julius A. Rockwood having made preparations to move into his new home in another Ward, after serving as Bishop of the Richards Ward for over 10 years. Then, realizing the tremendous responsibilities of this new calling, I endeavored to convince the brethren that it was too arduous a task for me, and I was able to hold out until they questioned my loyalty to the Church if I refused the calling; so assuring them that I would do the very best of my ability that I could, I accepted!*
I was led to entertain some very grave doubts as to the wisdom of my calling when, within a day or two, while spading in the garden in the morning before going to work, I was seized with a most excruciating pain in my abdomen, which and from which I could get no relief. Dr. Andrew was called and I was rushed to the Hospital and given an opiate, and I think that I was operated on within an hour of the attack. There was a "kink" or some kind of obstruction in my bowls and it well could have proved fatal if there had been any delay in undergoing an operation at that time. Presidents Taylor and Spencer rushed to the hospital and administered to me, and after a somewhat slow recovery I regained my normal strength, and at Sacrament meeting on August 2nd of 1925 Bishop Rockwood was released and I was sustained as his successor as Bishop, with Leonard B. Adams and Daniel H. Vincent as my two Counselors; and we were ordained to our positions by John A. Widtsoe of the Council of the Twelve!
The calling of a Bishop, involving the responsibility of presiding over a Ward, ministering in all temporal things, to be a Judge in Israel, and of regulating the calling and ordination of members of the Lesser Priesthood, together with the coordination of all Ward procedure with the Stake and General work, involves, no doubt, the most difficult and arduous assignment in the Church. For a heavy and constant burden is also assumed by the wives of the Bishopric in taking care of the home duties while their husbands are almost constantly away from home, answering the mu1titudinous calls which seem never to cease and problems which are never all solved. These matters mostly having to be attended to during periods outside of the daily occupation involved in providing for the home. At this time of our trials, our family consisted of six healthy children. Dorothy was now 16 years of age, being the oldest, and Alice, our youngest being a little over one year of age. While the Richards Ward was one of the largest wards in the Church, hailing a membership of about 2200 members at that time, Bishop Rockwood had all of the Quorum and Auxiliary organizations in perfect order, and all of the officers being willing to continue on in their respective positions, we found the labors very agreeable, and we formed during the years many very agreeable and wonderful friendships which have continued to the present time.
To enter a home where sickness or death had invaded the family circle, and to be able to bring solace and comfort to the sorrowing and to administer to the sick, or perform the last sad rites at a funeral; or to preside at a missionary farewell, awakens a deep sense of appreciation for the services rendered and which the recipients never seem to forget!
The new Chapel had been completed and dedicated, and the amusement hall was the scene of many festive gatherings, arranged by the recreation committee, of which John McPhie (who was in Scotland on a mission when I was there) was the Chairman. He did an outstanding assignment in conducting these affairs. He also arranged all programs for the missionary farewells. Approaching the Christmas season of 1925, we had 18 missionaries serving in different parts of the world. On Friday evening, December 4th, a varied program was presented in the new chapel, at which time contributions were received to be sent to the missionaries along with a greeting from the Bishopric and members of the Ward.
I will proceed over the events of the succeeding months rather hurriedly. For after the division of the Stake in May of 1924, our chapel was used for many of the Stake meetings so that it would be occupied almost continuously. By now, my father was about 80 years old; and having suffered a stroke which made it necessary for him to leave the old home, where he was living alone, and so in June of 1926 he came to live with us, which placed quite a heavy burden on mother, in addition to the care of our rather large family. His mind became somewhat unbalanced and he would occasionally wander off and get lost. In the following month of March he suffered a serious fall down the cellar steps and we had to take him to the hospital, where he passed away on April 5, 1927. He was 81 Years, "5 months and 12 days old at the time of his death. My brother, Fred, and I went to the City Cemetery and found that there was room in father's lot for his body to be placed between graves of my mother and her sister, Amelia, who had been buried there many years ago, about 1880. Amelia was buried in Lot 4, north half. Then, with my sisters, Margaret and Eva, we purchased clothing, etc. and made arrangements with the Deseret Mortuary for the funeral services. I had secured a certificate from the mortuary some years previously, which allowed me to have a liberal discount on the funeral expenses. It might be interesting to compare these prices with the present day costs:
Ambulance - — - - - - -$7.50
Clothing - - - - - - -$17.95
Flowers - - - — - - - - -$12.60
Casket etc. - — — - — - $175.00
Grave ‘Opening - — - - — $11.00
Hospital 6 Doctor - — - -$76. 75
Total - - - - - - - - - - - -- - $300.30
My father's remains were brought to our home the morning of the 7th; and a large number of friends called and many beautiful floral offerings were sent. At noon services were held in the Richards Ward chapel, where Bro. Adams, my First Counselor presided. A quartet furnished opening and the closing musical numbers; and William H. Russell sang, "Will there Be Any Stars in my Crown?” and the Lindsay sisters gave an instrumental number, "In the Sweet Bye 6 Bye". Speakers were Albert Toronto and Bishop Thomas M. Wheeler of the Sugar House Ward; and I dedicated the grave. All of the members of father's family were here and they had supper at our home in the evening, when on the morrow they all departed for their several homes.
The year of 1927 was a pattern of the other years, with the inevitable round of sorrows, joys, hopes and disappointments. We were frequently called upon to perform the last rites over the remains of some of the members. On March 20th, we witnessed one of the occasions in the death of Mary Garff Wells, the daughter of George P. and Tryphena Garff, who resided at 980 Hollywood Ave. She was a beautiful young bride and a very large gathering mourned her loss and very fine tributes were spoken by those who took part in her funeral. Her father passed away shortly after her death. Then on May 8th we conducted the funeral of Hendrik Meyers Jr. He died of Paralysis. 2 June 21st we conducted the funeral of Lyman Sanders Jr., who was a young boy who was killed in an automobile accident at 8th East and Ramona Ave. June 26th we conducted the services for Alice Foster Duncan, the wife of Louis C. Duncan, who died on the 24th. October 9th the services for Brother Dobmeier were held. November 10th, the funeral was held at the cemetery for infant Willard Coulam Richards, who had died of Diphtheria. Then on November 20th, the funeral of Helen Marjorie Eldredge was held. She was only 8 years old and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Eldredge. This about covers the sad and most difficult part of a Bishop's duties.
However, the sad affairs were interspersed with many joyous social occasions provided by the different organizations, and so we were able to take some pleasant excursions and vacations in between the funerals. One of these excursions was to my sister Beatrice and her family up in Paris, Idaho. So we were consoled with the thought that "Each loss has its fair compensation, for there is healing for every pain!" A great spirit of good—wi11 was manifested in the Ward and work progressed and the membership increased. On November 24th, we held a large Thanksgiving service in the chapel at 10:00 AM. which plan was repeated for some years to come. Hugh B. Brown was the main speaker, and the Druke sisters played an instrumental selection while sister Bolto sang: "Beautiful Zion For Me!" and all felt that the true spirit of thanksgiving was participated in!
As the Church membership was increasing in this vicinity so very fast, a great burden was placed on Bishops and the different organizations in caring adequately for all. Therefore a survey was commenced by a committee of the High Council to determine the possibility of organizing a new ward from sections of Richards Ward, Forest Dale and Sugar House Wards. This survey was conducted with the aid of the Ward Clerks, but for some unknown reason the Bishops of these different wards were not consulted as the investigation went forward. Finally someone in the Stake meeting enquired why this had not been done, and shortly afterwards, President Taylor and his Counselors called us into a meeting to ascertain our views on the subject. Bishop Wheeler was working hard to complete the cost of their almost new -' chapel, and he had hoped to collect some pledges of financial assistance from the part of his Ward that would be taken as part of a new ward. Bishop Woodruff of Forest Dale Ward also had some rather heavy financial burdens that he was trying to liquidate. I felt that while we had no financial obligations that had not been for; and as we felt at that time we were entirely free from any debt, our chapel was large enough to accommodate all of the new members as well as our own. But after a careful consideration, the Stake Authorities assured us that there would be no division of the wards "for a very long time!" This was in the fall of 1927. However, shortly after this, President Taylor was released and Hugh B. Brown, Marvin 0. Ashton and Stayner Richards were sustained as the Stake Presidents. The events of the year 1928 passed very rapidly and witnessed at the end, December 31st, our release as a Bishopric, and the reorganization of the Stake. I expressed the view in one of our Bishops meetings that the matter of creating a new ward would be revived again by the committee that had formerly worked on it; and it was apparently already known by the others that the organization of the new ward would be called the Lincoln Ward, where I now reside. Then in November of 1928 a meeting was called in our ward of all members who would be affected by the creation of the new ward. I took charge of the preliminary arrangements of seating the members according to the wards and turned the meeting over toe-the Stake Authorities. The boundaries were then set and a ballot was taken of all that were present, who were then asked to designate whom they wanted for their new Bishop of the new ward. The following morning I was called by President Brown to his office; where he told me that almost 100% of the ballots were carrying my name as the new Bishop; and he desired for me to reconsider my former request that I should not be considered for the office of Bishop of the new Lincoln Ward. He was profuse in his praise for all of the fine labors that we had performed, and if I would accept the new Bishopric of Lincoln Ward, they would be very happy. The designs of the Stake Authorities was to erect a large and commodious Stake and Ward—House, as the Stake meetings were then being held in the old tabernacle at 33rd South and State Street, and there was no building that was large enough to accommodate the large Church gatherings in the Southeast part of the city. At that time, I felt total inability to join in such a tremendous undertaking, which would tax the financial ability of the members, particularly of the ward, to assume, and I felt that my own financial condition would handicap me from asking others to do what I could not do myself. So I told President Brown that I wished that he would look at the problem in the light as though I was a missionary out in the world, my allotted time was about finished and I was getting ready to go home, and that no time in a man's ministry would be a better time to be released than when his record was good, as he had just assured me that mine had been, and that there was a general feeling of fellowship and goodwill among all of those with whom I had labored. So he finally acceded to my wishes, and my future years were to be spent in a number of other activities in the Church. 80 I was asked at that time to consider being a Counselor to John M. Knight in the Presidency of the Granite Stake High Priests Quorum. I knew Brother Knight from the days that we resided in the. 11 Ward. Not having resided in this Stake very long, and thinking that 1 had a vast acquaintance of the members through my long residence here, he was quite insistent that I should serve with him in this new calling. We spent many happy months in this new work, visiting all of the wards of the Stake, perfecting the organizations of the different groups, etc., and of coordinating the different study courses. The members of this Quorum were mostly elderly men, many of them having a vast majority of time served in the Church. Truely among all of these were "many of the noble and great ones"; and a vast number that have now gone to their reward laden with many sheaves of a very rich harvest. The intervening years have witnessed the growth to maturity of all my six children. We cherish them and are naturally proud of the progress that they have all made in establishing homes for and rearing their own families, and of their solicitude for their parents. Fifteen grandchildren have now been born to them, and we now have two great-grandchildren, making a membership, including the "in-laws", of 30 in our little kingdom here on the earth in 1953.
When I commenced this narration, I did not know whether it would turn out to be a "song or a sermon”, and it has gone way beyond my original intention. I hope that I have not given the reader the impression that I am expatiating on the volubility of my mental capacity. But having come this far, kindly continue with me to the very end. Before I proceeded on my mission to Scotland in 1903, I visited with the venerable Patriarch of the Church, John Smith. He gave me a blessing that was to be a comfort and a guide for me in times to come. Whether all of these prophetic statements have been fulfilled or not in my behalf, I am sure are left to the verdict of the years and all will be conditioned on just how nearly I have conformed or departed from the Good Way of Life! Now, looking back over the years, and having labored for many years in the Religion Classes of the Granite Stake, and having presided often in the MIA, and of serving on the Sunday School Board for many years, I hope that the "duty" imposed upon me at least partially fulfilled that great blessing! For I presume that my laboring in the interests of the youth of Zion have now partially fulfilled that part of the blessing of leading them to Zion. I presume that all men, at times, grow weary in their well doing, and feel that they do not measure up to their very best possibilities. I am now free to acknowledge that such is true in my life, and I now wish that I had given a fuller measure of devotion not only to the Church, but that I had availed myself of the opportunity of being a closer companion to the members of my family. So now, as the shadows begin to gather, and the years and events begin-to "Melt into the infinite azure of the past", I must now be content with things that I am powerless to change; expressing thanks that my paths have been found in pleasant ways; my family have been preserved to me without the loss thus far of a single member, and Edna and I have lived as harmoniously together without any serious misunderstandings as befalls the lot of most couples. We both now realize that as the inevitable hour approaches, that one of us will likely have to go a short distance alone, but we entertain the strong conviction that “when all the years are gathered in", and the trump of God sounds, awakening the sleeping dust, we shall meet in the realm of bliss with all of our children and loved ones, with all the redeemed family of heaven, who have complied with the requirements of the "New Covenant!"
Now I wish to leave this testimony as to the divinity of the mission and the ministry of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I know that God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, have appeared personally to the boy, Joseph Smith; and that they have commissioned heavenly messengers to communicate with men on the earth the authority and the "keys" to commence the labor and the ministry of the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times, when the mighty purposes of God will be consummated in the winding up scenes of the last days; when the great judgments of the Almighty will be poured out upon the inhabitants of the earth, until all wickedness is banished and Christ comes for the Second Time to rule and reign over all the nations of the earth. The wars and rumors of wars that will break up the different nations have already begun, famines and pestilences with their attending plagues are now in evidence among the people, men's hearts are now failing them for fear and perplexities are vexing the Statesmen of every land, and the waves of the mighty deep seem to be dashing on every shore today. The Gospel has now been restored and His Church organized to gather out a small remnant and prepare a people for the glorious appearing of the Lord. The principles and ordinances of the gospel must be complied with, as they now present the great plan of salvation. The great mission of this Church will be vindicated and blessed by the favor of God, while Babylon, which is "spiritual wickedness", will be condemned. I have seen overwhelming evidences of the divinity of this great work, and I cannot but bear testimony of it. I hope that my children will all cleave to this mighty work and train up their children in the ways of Truth!
As my worldly wealth in inconsiderable and of no account, I am re-bequeathing to my friends what is said to have been found in the will of an old patient of the Chicago poorhouse, many years ago"
"My right to live, being but a life estate, is not at my disposal, but, these things excepted, all else in the world that I now proceed to devise and bequeath. I give to good fathers and mothers, in trust for their children, all good little words of praise and encouragement, and all quaint pet names and endearments; and I charge said parents to use them justly, but also generously, as the deeds of their children shall require. I leave to the children inclusively, as the deeds and the term of their childhood dictate, all of the blossoms of the woods, with the right to play among them freely according to the customs of children, warning them at the same time against thistles and thorns. And I devise to the children the banks of the brooks and the golden sands beneath the waters thereof, and the odors of the willows that dip. Therein, and the white clouds that float high over the giant trees. And I leave the children the long, long days to be merry in, in a thousand ways, and the night and the train of the Milky Way to wonder at, but subject never the-less to the rights hereafter that are given to lovers!
I devise to all boys, jointly all the useful idle fields and commons where ball may be played, all pleasant waters where one can swim, all snow-clad hills where one may coast and all streams and ponds where one may fish, or where, when grim winter comes, one may skate, to hold the same for the period of their boyhood. And all of the meadows, with the c1over—blossoms and the buttercups thereof; and the woods with their appurtenances; the squirrels and the birds and the echoes and the strange noises and all of the distant places, which may be visited, together with the adventures there found. And I give to said boys each his own place at the fireside at night, with his pictures that may be seen in the burning wood, to enjoy without lot nor of hindrance or without encumbrance of care!
To lovers, I devise their imaginary world, with whatever they may need, as the stars of the sky, the red roses by the wall, the bloom of the hawthorn, the sweet strains of music, and aught else that they may desire to figure to each other the lastingness and beauty of their love.
To all young men jointly, I devise and bequeath all of the boisterous, inspiring sports of rivalry, and I give to them the disdain of weakness, and undaunted confidence in their own strength. Though they are rude, I leave to them the power to make lasting friendships, and of possessing companions, and to them, exclusively, I give all merry songs and grave choruses to sing with their lusty voices! And to those who are no longer children or youths or lovers, I leave memory; and I bequeath to them the volumes of the poems of Burns and Shakespeare and of the other poets, if there be others, to the end that they must live the old days over again freely and fully without diminution!
To our loved ones with their snowy crowns, I bequeath the happiness of old age, the love and gratitude of their children until they fall asleep!"
And now a word from Omar Khayyam:
"Yet Ah, that spring should vanish with the rose! That Youth's sweet scented manuscript should close! The Nightingale that in the branches sang! Ah, whence, and whither flown again, who knows? Yon rising Moon that looks for us again!
How oft hereafter will she wax and wane?
How oft hereafter rising look for us
Through this very same Garden- And for ONE in vain!!
and EDNA JACKSONDorothy Gardiner - - -Born 31 Oct. 190- - -Married Lew H. Morgan
Melvin Clarence " - " 2 Feb. 1911 — - -- - - " Elaine Hancey
Margaret " - " 18 Jan. 1913 - - - - - - - " J. Floyd Cannon
William Stewart " - " 5 Jul. 1915 - - -- - - - " Naoma Stevens
Alan Jackson " - " 26 Mar. 1921 - - -- - - - " Bernadene Gibson
Esther Alice " - " 13 Mar. 1924 — - —-- " Robert L. Fletcher
1929 SL Tribune March 14:
1940 census:

Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park was established in 1912 by Stephen L. Richards, situated on 80 acres. Wasatch Lawn Mortuary & Memorial Park are located at 3401 South Highland Dr in Salt Lake City, Utah. Contact number is (801) 466-8687. Photographed 14 Oct 2006 by Chad G. Nichols
Melvin C. Gardiner, age 81, passed away May 27, 1992, of natural causes incident to old age.
Born February 2, 1911 in Salt Lake City, Utah to Clarence L. and Edna Jackson Gardiner. He married Elaine Hancey in Salt Lake City March 31, 1933; solemnized in the Ogden LDS Temple April 19, 1979. She passed away April 4, 1982. He married Eva May Pratt, June 14, 1983 in the Provo LDS Temple; she passed away April 6, 1990. He was a High Priest in the Bountiful 37th Ward.He lived by his motto: "ICH DIEN", or, "I SERVE".
He was an electrical technician who served others in many different fields. He lived all of his life in Salt Lake City, Ogden and Bountiful.
Preceded in death by his father and mother. Survived by three sons and two daughters, James M., Ogden; Robert W., West Valley City; Ronald D., Roy; Mrs. Brent L. (Barbara Ann)
Anderson, Midvale; Mrs. Randle C. (Katherine E.) Carson, Salt Lake City; five brothers and sisters, William Stewart Gardiner, Murray; Alan J., Snowflake, Ariz.; Dorothy G. Morgan, Salt Lake City; Margaret G. Cannon, Esther Alice G. Fletcher, both ofSalt Lake City; 17 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Services will be held at the Lakeview Memorial Estates Chapel, 1643 E. Lakeview Dr., Bountiful, 12 noon, Friday, May 29, 1992, where friends may call one hour prior to services.
Interment, Lakeview Memorial Estates, Bountiful.

His gravesite is located in the Belmont section of the cemetery: 1234 E and Edna at 1235 E.

Margaret G. Cannon, age 86, passed away January 11, 2000 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Born January 18, 1913 to Clarence L. and Edna Jackson Gardiner in Salt Lake City, Utah. Married J. Floyd Cannon August 24, 1936 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple.She is survived by two sons: Allan Cannon and Douglas Cannon; two daughters: Margaret Louise Cannon and Mary Cannon; four grandchildren, Jessica, Martin, Alexandra and Natalie. Preceded in death by her husband, Dr. J. Floyd Cannon, in May 1980.
In keeping with our mother's wishes, a private graveside service will be held at Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park Mausoleum. Friends may call 1:45-2:45 p.m. on Thursday, January 13, 2000. Funeral directors, Wasatch Lawn Mortuary.
Our family would like to express our sincere appreciation to Dr. Richard Cannon for his compassion and kindness.