It is also the story of four small towns: the first, Nelson, Ohio, thirty miles from Kirkland, where the Hulets heard the message of the restored gospel, they joined the church altogether, and formed what was for all intents and purposes, their own branch. They then fled to Missouri, later Nauvoo and finally settled in Utah.

The second settlement, Summit, Utah, pioneered by Hulets and Dalley’s, both our ancestors, so close to the I-15 north of Cedar City, that if you slow down you can see a field full of our progenitors under a carpet of green in the Summit Cemetary.

Other members of the family moved to Malta, Idaho which was named by a relative of George Burridge who served a mission for the Church in the Republic of Malta in the 1850’s. The area is known for alfalfa, sagebrush, coyotes, jackrabbits, gale-force winds and arrowheads. Our family flourished here in spite of hardships. Now that the I-84 highway swings around the east side of Black Pine, no human being has any reason to visit the place, but some still do.

Another area the family settled in was Falls City, Nebraska. August Weinert arrived here in 1859. This is where Fannie Weinert and Frederick Scholl met. Falls City is a small town, rural, flat, mostly farmland, next to the mighty Missouri River. This was the perfect area for the Scholls and Weinerts to thrive, and they did.