Margaret Stewart was born in 1849 in Kinclaven, Perthshire, Scotland. She was five foot four inches, 156 pounds. It was said she was a woman of exceptional beauty of form and feature, her hair was dark brown with a natural wave, eyes dark blue, nose slightly aquiline. She was the sixth child in a family of seven.
Margaret was baptized in a river in Scotland at 15 by James Uri on January 25, 1865. She was surprised some time later when her home teacher began writing poetry to her. Her father said, “He is a fine young man, Maggie, take him.” She was 18 when she quit the linen mills and went by sailing ship, train and then oxen wagons to Salt Lake City where she lived in a dug-out on the side of the hill.
They soon moved into a fine two-story home. Her husband often absent on business ventures left her to raise the children, which she did with unwavering solicitude to their moral and religious benefit. In 1893 there was a depression and they lost the family fortune and their home and had to move into the city. Later as a visiting teacher she was visiting her ladies when she slipped, fell and broke her foot and never fully recovered. She passed away at 67.
She is remembered for her knowledge of the scriptures and wonderful singing voice. In fact she enjoyed singing “Wait for the Wagon” and “Ye Banks and Braes o’ Bonnie Doon.”
James Crichton, Margaret's uncle
Daughters of the Utah Pioneers' Sketch
William Stewart, brother
Christina Duncan, William's wife
Robert Stewart, brother
John Stewart, brother
Amelia Stewart, sister
Jane, sister
Margaret lost her first child: Robert Gardiner Jr
Margaret's Full History - by Clarence Gardiner
For info on Margaret's grandfather: Robert Stewart 1780 -
What was life like in the Scotland they left? Lizzy Lothian
Who confirmed Margaret? Henson Walker
Margaret's sister Amelia Stewart
Birth certificate:
Margaret and her family lived at 11 Crescent Street, Dundee before she immigrated.
Dear Kent Gardiner,
Thank you for your e-mail.
Please find attached a map extract showing the location of 11 Crescent Street in 1954 - this end of Crescent Street has been re-developed with modern buildings now on this site. The tenements would have been similar to those which still exist further up the street nearer to the church.
I hope this is of interest.
Yours sincerely
Deirdre Sweeney
Local History Centre
Dundee Central Library
The Wellgate
1865 James Uri, 3rd Journal:
21st Saturday.-In Dundee part of the day **to reading the Bible **in the afternoon Elder* and I took **the Dock
22nd Sunday.-****exhorted the Saints in keeping the commandments of God and obeying the cousel of those
in authority over them. 1 addressed them in the evening on the necessity of a preparitory work preceeding the coming of the Son of Man and bore testimony to the restoration of the Aaronic
Priesthood under the hands of John the Baptist as a ministering angel to Joseph Smith and Oliver
Cowdery together with the apostleship under the hands of Peter James and John 2 miles to visit brother Gilies and dined with
him and Sister Gilies returned in the Afternoon. In the evening visited David Mathison and wife who formerly belonged to the Church and took super with them. The remainder of the evening we spent at conference Room in company with Elder Andrew McFarlane auditing the books.
25tll Wed.--*****the ordinance ofBaptiztn for the remission of sins to Margaret Stewart
after which we returned to conference Room and confirmed her a member of the church by the
laying on of hand.
26th Thursday.--Left Dundee in company with Elder Walker and walked about 6 miles to a place named Mill Omuchie where a brother resides by the name** Elder Walker and
28th Saturday-Arbroath met with afternoon and evening ln the former meeting was addressed by Elder Walker and I occupied the time in the evening.
30th Monday--Left Arbroath and returned to Dundee found a letter waiting one from Elder J.V. Hood in Glasgow.
31st Tuesday--In Dundee Elder Walker remained here *
3d Friday-Elder Walker look breakfast in ** Elder Walker and * slept there and I slept in
Brother Sims.
Feb1·ua1-y 1865
4th Saturday--In Edinburgh. Elders John V. Hood and A. Cuningham arrived in the afternoon from Glasgow and Elders Drigham Young Jun. and --Rider who is to succeed Elder Hood in the Presidency of Glasgow conference arrived in the evening from Liverpool to attend conference in this place tomorrow* president of the European **Brigham Young Junr one of the Presidents
of the European
Pa1e61 mission and Elder Ryder who is appointed to succeed Elder Hood in the presidency of the Glasgow conference. The forenoon was occupied by the representations of the different branches by their respective presidents generally in good standing The afternoon * addressed alternately * Young, Rider & myself
6th Monday-**Rider and myself went to * Castle & saw the * of royalty-the crown, sceptre and
Sword of State: and visited also the "College of Surgeons" and the "Picture Gallery and spent the day very agreeably together. In the evening attended a social party of the Saints where we were entertained with music, songs & recitations until about one o'clock AM when* with several of* brother Smith * after which returned from Edinburgh. In the evening met with Elder Walker in brother
Sims who had returned from Glasgow unexpectedly in company with Brigham Jun. on some business and he had left for Liverpool in the afternoon and some of the Saints met with us and held a prayer meeting. Elder Walker and I continued visiting the houses of the Saints until Saturday when we left for Glasgow.
Woman's Exponent dated July, 1903, refers to sister Gardner:
Robert and Margaret from K on Vimeo.
Here is a more extensive biography:
Margaret Stewart Gardiner
Written by her daughter, Beatrice Lenore Gardiner Low
Margaret Stewart Gardiner was born in Kinclaven, up in the highlands of Scotland on the 26th of July 1849, the daughter of William and Elizabeth Stewart Stewart. Her mother’s name was Stewart before she married a Stewart, yet they were of no immediate relationship. She had several brothers and sisters: Willie, John, Rob, Elizabeth, Millie or Amelia, Jean and a baby sister Mary who died very small.
I don’t know the year that they moved to Dundee nor the reason for the move, but they usually went back to Kinclaven for vacations where their relatives had extensive estates. Some of their cousins’ names were Gray and Creighton.
The Stewarts believed in education for the girls as well as the boys and tried to get Margaret to stay in school, but some of here girl friends worked in the factory and attended night school.
When Margaret was twelve years old, her mother died. She had some trouble with her leg and had to have it amputated. She died soon after. Elizabeth being eldest, tried to take her mother’s place and they managed very nicely. However, Jean later took cold and died.
It was some time after mother’s death that the girls heard the gospel preached and became greatly interested. They had been good Presbyterians, but this new religion held all the good things that they had been looking for, so they were baptized. When Margaret was fifteen they were baptized in the river one night. Their father never joined the church. The girls used to walk a couple of miles out into the country after church on a Sunday evening where the hawthorn hedges on each side of the road were blooming and smelled so fragrant.
They had ward teachers in the branch and when these two young men called once a month, Margaret listened to their teachings and was quite surprised when one of them started writing poetry to her. She “went” with him ten weeks, when they decided to come to Zion, her father said, “He is a fine young man, Maggie, take him.” She was eighteen (soon to be nineteen) and he was twenty-two (twenty-three in October) in that June of 1868 when they left everything to come to Utah. Robert had saved enough money for two adults and one child’s passage and wanted Margaret to bring her younger brother, Rob, for company but she thought it would be too selfish and insisted that he bring his youngest brother, Alfred, which he did.
Robert Gardiner and Margaret were married on the ship and got their endowments after they reached Salt Lake. My, what a voyage that was! It was on the old sailing vessel, Emerald Isle, the last to cross the Atlantic. Hamilton G. Parke, a friend of Robert’s who had obtained passage on the old hulk, had a dream of terrible voyage it was to be and dared not take it. He tried to dissuade them, too, but they were young and anxious so he gave Robert the keys of the commissary and got off the oat at Cork.
There were few English-speaking people on the ship, a good many Scandinavians in the steerage. The weather was beautiful for the first few days. On the first Sunday these Scandinavians danced all afternoon on the deck. They were eleven weeks on the sea and never had another good Sunday. Margaret thought it was because of the dancing. It was lucky for them they had the keys to the commissary. Robert boiled every bit of water that they drank and portioned out the food so that they kept well, but there were many deaths in the steerage. Body after body was thrown overboard and sharks followed the ship all the way.
How good New York looked to them! Margaret had heard so much Scandinavian that she couldn’t stand to hear it spoken for some time after. If they had only stayed with Hamilton G. Parke. He came on a steamer and arrived long before they did. The old Emerald Isle sank on the way back.
Robert and Margaret came on the cars as far as they could (to Evanston, I think) and stopped in Echo Canyon to work on the railroad. Margaret helped with the cooking. I don’t know just how long they remained here, but it was late fall when they went on to Salt Lake, riding down Parley’s Canyon on a load of coal.
Some good woman let them have a room in her house, which they fixed up pretty well so they were quite comfortable. Here their first child, Robert Stewart Gardiner was born in October 1869. In February 1870 spring came, or so it seemed to them and they moved into a dugout up in one of the many ravines on the East Bench. Here Robert built a huge adobe furnace and started his candy-making. He would carry a sack of sugar hoe on his shoulder at night, make candy all night, and take it downtown (on his shoulder again) the next morning, bringing another sack of sugar back.
One day while he was downtown, a regular river came down the ravine and washed everything out of the dugout before Margaret could even get the baby out. She hurried to get him out on the hill where it was dry but the bedding was soaked, the precious sack of sugar was washed away; the flour had caked on the sack so hard that it was saved. That was enough dugout for them, but the baby took pneumonia and died.
Robert and Margaret then moved up in Popperton or Butchersville, above where Federal Heights now stands. Here they had many good times. They could both sing and did at all the concerts. If Margaret ever heard a song once, she could sing it, words and music after. When I think of her now, I can hear her humming some tune. Robert must have like to walk, but he had been used to it in the old country. For or five miles a day were nothing to him.
He made a lot of money fast and bought a place on Main Street and a place on Second Avenue and R Street, and a place out in the Brighton Ward, part way to Saltair. They lived in the Second Avenue place for some time, but moved to Main Street where Robert had a restaurant and made candy.
Two girls and three boys were added to the family by this time. Margaret’s two sisters Elizabeth and Millie had come. Elizabeth was married and had five children; Millie never married but made her home with some Sharps who lived in a beautiful home surrounded by evergreens on South Temple and E Streets. But Millie an Elizabeth died within a short time of each other just before Margaret’s sixth child was born and then she was lonely.
Robert spent some time working on the Salt Lake Temple.
Alfred had married by this time, Robert had saved enough money and sent it to his father and mother to bring them to Utah, but they spend the money to be saved again, this time sending them tickets and they came. He gave them half of his house to live in and always brought four or shoes for his mother when he brought them for Margaret, but they didn’t like Salt Lake and went back.
Robert then moved his family to the farm where four more children (three girls and a body were born. This made ten children, five girls and five boys. One girl Violet, had died at age four with diphtheria and one Adeline, a baby with convulsions.
Notes by Myrle Low
(Beatrice died at an early age (42) and did not complete this brief history of her mother. The following had been added by Myrle Low from the things her mother, Beatrice, told her.)
Margaret Amelia, the oldest daughter of Robert and Margaret, was married when the youngest child, Beatrice Lenore was born. When Beatrice was three years of age, Robert lost his money and after that the family did not enjoy many luxuries. It must have been about this time that the family moved to the home on Alameda Avenue between Twelfth and thirteenth East, just below the reservoir, which supplies part of the culinary water for Salt Lake City.
Beatrice loved to hear her mother tell of the experiences in her life. Besides being a talented singer, Margaret could also perform the Scottish dances, particularly the sword dance.
When Margaret was 67, she fell on the icy sidewalk and broke her hp. She did not recover from this fall, but pneumonia developed and she died February 4, 1917. From what my mother Beatrice told me of Margaret, she would have been a delightful person to know with her love of music and her Scottish wit and brogue.
(Daughter Eva says Margaret broker her ankle)
Notes by Dawn G. James
This history provided an excellent clue to help identify Jean Stewart Crichton, the sister of Elisabeth Stewart, daughter of William Stewart, shoemaker. Jean's death certificate lists her father as William Stewart, shoemaker. Her son James, was the informmant of the death of his cousin, John Stewart, margaret's oldest brother, who died in Glasgow in 1866.
The first paragraph has one obvious error in the name of Margaret's father, who was Robert not Wiliam. This is the only history that mentions a sister, Mary who died young. The causes of deaths leave some questions as they do not agree with the information on death certificates.
The baptism dates of the Stewart sisters all appear different on their temple recordds, rather than all being thesame date.
The day book kept by Hans Jensen, Hals, who was in charge of the group, says they rode the train to Fort Benton, and mentions Camp Laramie, so they took the church wagons from eastern Wyoming rather than from Evanston.
December 13, 1902 Deseret News:
This is Margaret Stewart's brother in law, William C Rae:
Margaret Stewart had a sister, named Elizabeth who immigrated to SLC and had children:
FGS for William and Elizabeth:
This is what I've found on Wm. C. Rae and his first wife, nothing more on George and Jane Elizabeth Rae. Alexander died, never married, that I could find. William married Emily Bullock, but they never had any children. This is what I found on William and Emily. Jane Elizabeth Rae prob reared by some one else too.
George Coreman Rae 1870 –
Jane Elizabeth Rae 1873 –
William Rae 1877 – 1918
Alexander Rae 1879 – 1919
Excerpted from A Geneology of James Bullock and Mary Hill Latter Day Saint Pioneers by Kenneth C. Bullock
William was the oldest of 4 children. His mother died when he was a child. He was reared by Myron Newell, and spent his youth working on a farm in Vineyard, Utah. He received a limited education and attended the Brigham Young Academy for a short period.
When William was of age, he joined the Spanish American War, and served as a private. Upon his return home he went to Los Angeles, CA where he worked as a street car conductor. He married Emily Brown Bullock at Provo, Utah and was later sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. In 1918 William took ill with Influenza and soon died. He was buried at the Pleasant Grove Cemetery.
"Emily was born on Locust Avenue in Pleasant Grove, where she spent most of her life. she was quite ill as an infant, and required considerable care. She attended the schools at Pleasant Grove, and completed the Fifth Reader. At home she learned to help with the housework and with the farm work. When Emily was twenty years of age, she attended the Brigham Young Academy for a short period of time.
As a young lady she went to Provo to care for a relative. While working in Provo she met William Rae. They courted, and were marriied in Provo in 1910. shortly afterward they moved to California, and resided in Los Angeles, where her husband worked as a street car conductor. In 1918, her husband suddenly took ill and died of influenza. This was a great shock to Emily, who sorrowed for some time afterward. she returned to her parents home on Locust Avenue. she helped care for her parents in their declining years, and stayed faithfully by their sides until their deaths.
Because Emily had no children of her own, she devoted much of her time to others. Her sister became bedfast, and was brought to Emily for care. Emily nursed her sister for seventeen years, until she died in 1943. When Emily's brother, James Orson Jr. and wife both died, their sixteen year old son, Kayle, came to live with his Aunt Emily. Emily loved and treated him as her own son. Kayle remained with her until he married.
Emily loved all children and was friendly with all that came to her place. She would joke with the children, and usually gave them a cookie or other goodie or an apple. In 1954 she sold her property to the Pleasant Grove School District as part of the site for the new high school. She had a new brick home built upon her sister Jennett's property, where she resided until her death.
February 11, 1917
Hi everyone, Attached is a copy of the sports page from the Salt Lake Telegram dated February 11, 1917. You will need to magnify it on your computer screen to read it. In the bottom right corner is a section called NOTES that mentions Margaret Stewart Gardiner’s death. The fact that the section is on the sports page and on the same page as the Checkers column, and the fact that whoever wrote it seems to think everyone knows who is “Mrs. Gardiner” and “friend Gardiner” confirms in my mind that the checkers player is our Robert Gardiner. N
Death certificate:
lobar pneumonia - pneumonia affecting one or more lobes of the lung; commonly due to streptococcal infection
pneumonia - respiratory disease characterized by inflammation of the lung parenchyma (excluding the bronchi) with congestion caused by viruses or bacteria or irritants
double pneumonia - lobar pneumonia involving both lungs
Frank Gardiner, grandson, looking for Margaret's grave marker |
![]() |
SLC Cemetery |
Research: Hi everyone, According to the 1900 U.S. census Margaret Stewart Gardiner was living in Salt Lake City with her sons, William and Charles, and her daughter, Beatrice. Her other two sons, Frederick and Clarence, were herding sheep for the summer in Summit County, Utah. I think that I may have found Robert Gardiner listed as a "lodger" in Denver, Colorado (likely there on business). I still need to followup on this though. That just leaves Eva unaccounted for. Has anyone found Eva in the 1900 U.S. census? Any ideas where she might have been living in April 1900? I am hoping that someone can save me alot of time searching. Best Regards, N
Hi everyone,
Below are some quotes taken from some of Clarence Gardiner’s histories such as Margaret Stewart Gardiner Utah Pioneer of 1868.
“Margaret has left this brief sketch of her life and activities which she wrote about 1910:
Born Kinclaven, Scotland, July 27, 1849.
Baptized by JamesUre, 25th January, 1865.
. . .
Am the mother of five boys and five girls, only three boys and three girls living; one son died the father of three boys, the three others died in childhood.”
”Margaret has left this brief account of their journey: ‘Had a very bad voyage on board the Emerald Isle, with 37 deaths. Nearly eight weeks on the ocean. Coming to Echo Canyon we stopped, . . . found friends who took us in until we found a place to stay.’”
“The register of the family of which Margaret was a member is as follows, as recorded by her during her lifetime.
Father: Robert Stewart Mother: Elizabeth Stewart
born 1806 born 3 January 1809
Logierait, Perthshire Logierait, Perthshire
died 1877, Dundee died 30 Sept 1861, Dundee”
Hi everyone, Attached are some clippings from the Woman's Exponent that refer to "Margaret Gardner" and "Sister Gardner". (I will send them one at a time to avoid the attachments getting to large.) I thought that this Margaret was likely our "Margaret Gardiner", but there is no way of knowing for sure. So I was going to toss them. However, as I have thought about it some more I have decided to add them to my file, although they don't have the certainty that my other information has.
The meetings attended by "Sister Gardner" were presided over by the Salt Lake Stake Relief Society Presidency. However, all women throughout the Church were welcome. I don't know if there were more Margarets than our "Margaret Gardiner" living in the Salt Lake Stake, but I doubt there were few if any more than our Margaret. A know that a Margaret Gardner from Spanish Fork was married in 1905, and there was a Margaret Gardner living during this time period around St. George, Utah. There was likely more than one "Sister Gardner" living in the Salt Lake Stake, but I really have no idea. I know there were more than one "Sister Gardner" living in the Jordan Stake and in other places throughout Utah and Idaho during this time.
However, some things that weigh in favor of "Sister Gardner" being our "Margaret Gardiner" is that the meetings took place in the 14th Ward building. Our Margaret was living in the 14th Ward during 1897 through 1902. In July of 1903 she had moved to the 11th Ward, but she was still a member of the Salt Lake Stake and certainly had friends in the 14th Ward. I believe Emmeline Wells lived in the 14th Ward as well as some others in the Relief Society General Presidency, but I haven't confirmed this. N
What did Margaret's home in Dundee look like? This is an 1867 picture of the mill next to her home. Margaret was in Dundee at the time. The mill or Works employed up to 4,500 people. Notice the houses in the distance. One of them could be her home. Kent
February 22,2012
Dear Kent,
Thank you for your enquiry. The Dundee Directories we have for the 1850s include in the ecclesiastical lists an entry for a Mormon congregation at Camperdown Hall, Barrack Street. Unfortunately we do not have directories between 1846 and 1850, and there is no obvious mention of a Mormon Church in the 1846 directory. The Directories we have for the later 19th century do not make any mention of a Mormon Church. Indeed it is not until the 1950s that another Mormon congregation (at 53 Old Glamis Road) is mentioned in the ecclesiastical section.
Unfortunately we do not have an image of Camperdown Hall.
Yours sincerely,
Kenneth Baxter
Thank you for your enquiry. The Dundee Directories we have for the 1850s include in the ecclesiastical lists an entry for a Mormon congregation at Camperdown Hall, Barrack Street. Unfortunately we do not have directories between 1846 and 1850, and there is no obvious mention of a Mormon Church in the 1846 directory. The Directories we have for the later 19th century do not make any mention of a Mormon Church. Indeed it is not until the 1950s that another Mormon congregation (at 53 Old Glamis Road) is mentioned in the ecclesiastical section.
Unfortunately we do not have an image of Camperdown Hall.
Yours sincerely,
Kenneth Baxter