Emma Bachman Scholl was born in 1887 in Eden, Utah and was a determined woman. She taught school in Croyden, Morgan County, Utah, at $55 a month in 1906. Croyden was a very small town in the mountains with about 25 pupils in one room and all eight grades.
In 1910 on the way to visit a friend, a terrible accident occurred. Riding over a board road in a lumber wagon to get to the railroad, with ice on the board road, the horses slipped and the wagon slid and bounced up in such a way that she was jerked from where she was sitting. She felt a terrible pain in her left side resulting in pain the rest of her life.
In 1915 she married her sweetheart George, only to later leave him for years at a time for an orchard in Farmington, Utah. There she raised, canned, dried, and sent apricots, peaches and cherries to her daughter Elaine whom she adored. She didn’t have the same fondness for men, in particular her son-in-law, James. In her later years she became a health food nut and an avid genealogist submitting thousands of names for temple work, without verification. On October 5, 1969, after Sacrament meeting, Emma was walking out of church across a cement patio toward the car when she fell and broke her hip. She said that night that she would not live long. She was right, dying a few days later, on her grandson's Jeffrey's birthday at age 81.
Emma Scholl (full history)
Emma and Julius Billeter Temple Books new
Emma Scholl Complete History
Jacob Bachman and Elizabeth Sutter had a son Emuel Bachman who married Mary Jane Heninger, 3 Oct 1884, Eden, Weber, Utah. They had one child, son - Emuel Heninger Bachman
Emma's adobe home in Farmington new
Jacob Bachman Jr.
Jacob Bachman and Annie Sidler Hegetschweiler had four children:
Joseph Bachman. born 8 Feb 1868, married Margaret Howard McBride, 8 Dec 1890, died 9 May 1940
Annie Bachman born 9 Aug 1870, married William Ingles 25 Mar 1904, died 14 Aug 1926
John Rudolf Bachman born 19 Oct 1876, Married Nellie Fordham, 1900, Emma Sewell and Helen Ellsworth, died 11 Apr 1944
Emma born 5 Dec 1887, married George Scholl, 25 May 1915, died 12 Oct 1969
Emma Scholl wrote a published piece regarding her parents in the book: Our Pioneer Heritage, volume 2
Cousin Jay Bachman page
Here are three Bachman sisters or half sisters: LtoR Verena, Emma and Bertha. What similarities do you see?
1) The eyes.
2) Thin lips.
3) Small nose.
4) Similar shape in lower face, particularly 1 and 2.
5) 1 & 3 appear to have the infamous Bachman dimple in the chin!
6) none are smiling except maybe Verena slightly.
7) curly hair tight to the head
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Ogden Standard, August 6, 1907 |
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Evening Standard April 12, 1913 |
2010 Emma's Home from Deborah Gardiner on Vimeo.
Emma taught school in Warren, Utah 1907- 1908
This is the adobe house that Emma loved and lived in. It was located in Farmington, Utah. She had a fruit orchard composed of cherry trees, apricot trees and a spring at the far end of the property. She would fire up the wood burning stove, heat up the water, pour it into a large round tub and we would have our baths right in the middle of the kitchen.
Emma maybe working in Portland |
Mexico trip made by Emma (Bachman) Scholl and Laura Coronado Beach, August 1915 (Scholl) Zinzer and others |
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George and Emma 1915 |
Emma and her mother Anna Hegetschweiler Bachkman |
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Ema and George dating 1915 |
Emma, Farmington probably 1950s |
Emma Farmington 1960s |
Farmington Adobe and orchard |
Question: Why did Emma have such a difficult time with men. She left her own husband George for years at a time. Here is a journal entry from her son in law: James Gardiner:
"December 8, 1946, Sunday, rather an interesting day. Ma Scholl confirmed a suspicion of mine from her previous intimations that is, she is so sorry and sad that she had a hand in bringing E and me together since I am such a despicable character. This was the first real open contempt and hate – the other has just been nasty remarks. Her consolation to poor E is that she will have another chance, on the other side, to get a better man. This is the worst insult I have ever received. However the impression is not deep since the mental capacity of the source is to be considered and since I know it is an outgrowth of frustration since she can’t get by ordering me around to suit her whims. For the record. She just saved me the trouble of barring her in our home. She has burned every means of retreat."
Emma's great grandson wrote the following in 2010:
I used this story (The story of Anna Sidler being killed by a cannon) to illustrate how to handle disappointment in my talk at church a few weeks ago.
Anna (Junior her mother’s name was Anna as well)’s life was nothing but trials and disappointment. Some from choice some not:
o Growing up fatherless.
o Moving to a new country where you don’t speak the language.
o Feet bleeding and all the trials that come from crossing the plains.
o Joining a crazy cult.
o Once in Utah finally getting a complete family and a new baby sister.
o They are blown away by a cannon from the government of your new country.
o Your step father and most of those that speak your language move back to the homeland.
o You work as a servant in the house of the man who fired the cannon. Learn the language and domestic skills.
o After all that you meet the love of your life and think that you can finally start your life. You have a baby and then your husband turns out to be a miserable drunk.
o You leave him, live with neighbors -there you learn from them how to care for babies and a family.
o Eventually you meet this guy (Jakob) who has 8 kids. You marry him and raise his 8 children.
o You start your new married life in a ONE bedroom cabin while getting bugged by Indians, the elements and everything else the frontier has to offer.
o You have 4 MORE kids move into better conditions raising the kids almost solo as your husband eeks out a living in the harsh conditions of northern Utah.
o You raise them in the church and teach them to have faith in God.
At the end of her life her only regret was not doing more temple work*.
That takes a LOT of faith.
*One day shortly before she died Anna (Jr) said to Emma her youngest daughter, "Do you know the greatest regret I have?" Emma said, "No," she then said, "It is because I haven't done the Temple work for my dead ancestors."
The context of Anna’s life helps explain to me the relationship between Elaine and Emma. There were a lot of disappointing males in Anna (Jr.)’s life and the mother daughter relationships were VERY TIGHT.
We should update http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morrisite_War to include Anna (Sr.)’s name. right now it just says the cannon ball crashed “killing two women”
I want reparations.
Kent added:
E..., I loved the list, the concept and your deep understanding of the trials and strength of one of your ancestors.
Add to the list : She gave birth to a child in a windowless room: Emma: "I heard her say she was all
alone, didn't even have a match to light a candle and had to tie the cord herself." That takes faith too!
By the way I saw the small building where she gave birth. It is now a granary. You can see it on the video called: Emma's Home.
Davis County Clipper 1958-06-27
Davis County Clipper 1959-08-07
Davis County Clipper 1960-6-27
Davis County Clipper 1963-05-03
Davis County Clipper 1969-10-31
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LtR Emma, Glen's mother, Audrey, Gerry, Glen. 1967 |
Emma took a fall coming out of church.
Hi, Emma Bachman Scholl died after a fall on the church steps ("fell to the street") after Sacrament Meeting which caused a fracture of her right hip after which she was operated on. The fall happened on October 5, 1969. She died a week later on October 12, 1969 on her grandson Jeff's birthday.
The more immediate causes were arteriosclerotic heart disease which caused coronary sclerosis which caused myocardial infraction posterior lateral. Emma had a huge distrust of doctors and it is interesting that as soon as she gets into the hospital everything goes wrong.
According to Dr. Brown, in most cases, the broken hip causes the fall not the other way around. The four ancestors I know of who had falls involved in their deaths were: Barbara, Margaret Stewart, James Brown and Emma.
Myocardial infarction (MI) or acute myocardial infarction (AMI), commonly known as a heart attack, results from the interruption of blood supply to a part of the heart, causing heart cells to die. This is most commonly due to occlusion (blockage) of a coronary artery following the rupture of a vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque, which is an unstable collection of lipids (cholesterol and fatty acids) and white blood cells (especially macrophages) in the wall of an artery. The resulting ischemia (restriction in blood supply) and ensuing oxygen shortage, if left untreated for a sufficient period of time, can cause damage or death (infarction) of heart muscle tissue (myocardium)..Kent
Research: Hi, Kent: I've spent some time going through everything in Special Collections to search for more information on Warren School and also the Morrisite War. My search has been largely unproductive. The only mention of Warren School is in a fairly newly published book entitled: Weber County Utah: A Pictorial History of the Early Years. I'm guessing that the picture included in this book is the same one you have. It shows a class of about 50 students (?) in front of a brick facade with three windows. The caption says: Warren School, circa 1908. The only information in the text indicates that between 1852 and 1898, schoolhouses were built in various communities, including Warren and West Warren. On the front row of the picture, two boys are laying with their heads near each other and their legs stretched out in opposite directions. I don't have a scanner in my division, but if it sounds as if this photo is not the one you have, I can check with my production person and see if she can scan this, and then we can send it to you, hopefully, as a PDF. Although I went through every history of education and school systems in Utah, plus all the Utah histories, and the Weber County-related histories, I uncovered no other pictures of or info on Warren School. As for the Morrisite War casualty names, I'm sure you already know the names that have been published on line and in the books. The reports of the time are conflicting. All list, of course, the death of Joseph Morris. Also, most reports mention the death of his lieutenant, John Banks. Beadle's Life in Utah (as quoted in Bancroft's History of Utah) lists the death of a female who ran up protesting Morris' shooting, Mrs. Isabella Bowman. Beadle also says a Danish woman was also shot by the law men. In Bancroft's notes, he quotes Beadle as saying 10 killed and a large number wounded--no details. Bancroft quotes Stenhouse's Rocky Mountain Saints: Six Morrisites were killed and three wounded. At least one source lists two of the posse killed. The Utah History Encyclopedia lists one name of a killed posse member: Jared Smith. We have one other work I haven't been able to get to yet (For Christ Will Come Tomorrow by C. LeRoy Anderson). I will get into that this coming week and let you know if there are any differences included in it. For now, I hope some of this helps. Sincerely, Ann Booth Weber County Library
I think Emma wrote the history of Jakob. The description of Wiliberg in his history is almost word-for-word the way she describes it in her autobiography. How about them apples!
Here is a sketch of Anna Hegetschweiler Stone Bachman, also written in 1958 by an unknown author. I’d be willing to bet Emma wrote these sketches. I have another one of Elizabetha Suter written in 1958. I’ll see if I have an electronic copy. If so, I’ll send it to you too.
I’ve been looking to see how we can be the same generation and our grandparents were a generation apart. Here is how it works. Your grandmother Emma was the last child of Jakob and Anna. She was born in December 1887. My grandfather –Joseph Rexel—was the first child of Joseph and Margaret (Joseph being your grandmother’s oldest brother). JR was born October 1891, so they were only 4 years apart in age.
I’m the youngest in our family. I was born in 1943 and just turned 67. How about you?
August 92010
I don't recall seeing a picture of ES.
I'm printing out some family group sheets and a pedigree. I'll scan them
and send them to you so you can see the relationship. Your grandmother Emma
was my grandfather's (Joseph Rexel) aunt. She was the sister to his father
and my great-grandfather Joseph.
I'll scan some of this and send it.
August 2010
Hope all this hasn’t been too intrusive on your day. The Temple is closed and my wife is in Provo with a daughter whose husband is in Afghanistan.
Here is a PDF file of 5 generations, beginning with me back to Jakob. I have included a “note” about the marriage of Jakob and Anna Sidler on the last page. I think you will find it interesting, and maybe you can shed further light on the matter.
Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you,
August 9 2010
Glad to help. Also I noticed several typos in Emma's autobiography. Would
you like me to list those for you sometime?
I can't find an obvious link to your "interviews" on the blog site. Are
they videos or typescripts?
BTW, I have a photo of the Mormon Battalion monument if you would like it.
I saw some reference to needing one on one of the pages of your blog.
Did you get the PDF file with the pedigree and fgsheets?
August 9 2010
Hi, Kent. Just about all I know about the Morrisite War comes from my reading several years ago of Leroy Anderson's book on Morris, I think published first in the early 1980s. I think Anderson has done a revised version of it recently. Anderson gives a very accurate description, as I remember, of who was wounded and killed in the battle. I don't have a copy of the book but you should be able to find it easily, if you haven't already. Anyway, thanks for sending the passage from Emma Scholl's reminiscence. Very interesting indeed. . . .
In his article in the UTAH HISTORY ENCYCLOPEDIA, which I just read again, Ken Godfrey wrote that two Morrisite women died in the assault but lists only the name of Isabella Bowman. Godfrey noted that he used Anderson's book as his source for the information.
Sorry I couldn't have been more help.
August 17 2010
Sorry I missed you and that my assistant wasn't here or was unable to assist you. I am attaching a copy of the frame school that your grandmother would have taught school in 1906. This school was used from 1876 to 1910.
A new school was built and used from 1910 until 1926.
LDS church services were also held in these buildings.
I appreciate the history from you grandmother's journal. I will include it in the history of Croydon and also the school file. It is always great to get information about people who lived in the area and especially of teachers. There was some very valuable information in that one paragraph. Thank you again.
If you will send me your address I will forward a photo request for reprints. I can also do a CD of the photos. These will be in much better quality. If you should use these photos in any publication the Morgan County Historical Society should be credited.
I can also scan the photos in a higher resolution if you would like. These were already in the system at 150 dpi. However, I must have the signed form before I can continue the order.
Thank you again for your patience
Thank you for your patience.
Very good work for now. I think we're having trouble with given names vs
nicknames. Herta could very well turn out to be Bertha. Rosa appears to be
Rosina. No matter how I try, I can't see "Marie" on that label. Another
document you found has her as Maria, but that's not the word on the label
either. It wouldn't surprise me to find that she was named after her
mother, Anna Maria, but for the time being, Marie's as good a guess as any.
Haven't heard from the Family Search guy yet.
If you think that the photo of Verena doesn't need Photo Shopping, I believe
you. I want to send you a copy of the original which I lightened to get
some dark marks off her face, and get your opinion whether a better job can
be done. I also need to copy Verena's family group sheet and send it along
with it.
If we could find the address of Erich and Suzy Bachmann, I would happily
write them a letter, and I think they would respond to that, as they were
very cordial in the past.
I think you may have hit pay dirt here. Our family were citizens of Bottenwil, too. On second thought, though, our family would have already moved to Wiliberg 200 years ago. Hans Rudolf's son Rudolf moved away from Wiliberg just after Jakob said for America. Probably a case, again, of everyone named the same J.
What we really need is Erich and Suzy Bachmann's address in Kolliken, a way to get in touch with them. I bet this guy could tell us where to inquire? Remember Erich and Suzy are still citizens of Bottenwil even though our family hasn't lived there for hundreds of years. If you get a lead on how to contact Erich and Suzy, why not let me try to make the contact the first, as they know me and I might have a better chance of getting a response. Suzy speaks and write French, and I have a French guy staying with me right now.
Thanks so much,
I do have the books. I heard about these books all my life from my
grandfather (Joseph Rexel) and he said Aunt Cummie (Comfort, his sister) was
sort of the family genealogist. I gather from your interviews with Jay that
Emma was the one who must have started it with Julius Billeter. Anyway, the
only time I remember seeing them was at a family reunion in Eden after both
my grandparents passed away. I guess somehow they ended up in Jay's hands
and he had them on display at the reunion. I told him that I had been
looking for this work in the Genealogy Department and couldn't find most of
it, even though there were dates for ordinance work in some of the books.
He hired a genealogist (Tripp was her last name), and she verified that she
couldn't find it either, so they made the decision to resubmit all the work.
It must have cost him a ton of money and time to get it all done again. Now
Twenty-five or thirty years later, with NFS, we see that the work was indeed
originally done starting about 1919 through the mid 1920s.
Anyway, one day after most of the work had been redone, Jay and Nedra drove
to Logan where we live, and brought us the books and a box of the reports
back to Tripp after the work she submitted had been done. It was never
clear to me why he brought them to me rather than pass them down to one of
his own children, except he knew we were interested and had been doing a
little genealogy.
For a while during our Mission in California from 2002-205, before New
Family Search, Dawson Hedges from Huntsville, began going through the work
the researcher had submitted and these books trying to combine all the
families together. They did one book. When we returned we started on the
"Bachman" book, but then New Family Search came out and we found that most
of the families are now online through NFS, although the little bit of work
I have done in the book on the "Bachman" family showed there was still some
work to do to link up all the families.
This afternoon we looked Jay and Nedra's boys and found one lives in the
Avenues in SLC, not two or three miles from our condo, and the other one
lives in Eden. My wife and I discussed it and I think we will have a family
reunion with our four children and their families in Eden next summer or the
one following, get good photos of the graves, family property, etc., (my son
is a pro photographer), and acquaint the family with the family settlement
and their ancestors.
I was saddened to learn from the material that you sent that Jay died
recently. If we had known it we would have attended the funeral. We didn't
know Nedra had passed away either.
In any case, we would be more than happy to meet with you and show you the
books, if we can get our schedules together. When will you be in Utah?
We should be available in mid-August. When we get closer let me know the
specifics. We have a home in Logan and a condo in SLC, so we can get
together wherever is most convenient for you.
The books do not have any documentation in them. Families are grouped,
dates of ordinance work included. Relationships between families are
possible through numbers included with each family group. There are
different size books, the "Bachman" one being one of the smaller ones.
I did not know for sure about Jay's children, but now that we have been
discussing it, I seem to remember when he came to our home that he said they
were not interested. We didn't discuss it much more than that.
September 29, 2010
Of course our new Facebook friend nor the Swiss wouldn't know anything about Emma. One thing I'd like you to ask him would to be to explain the sentence written by that Swiss authority who I corresponded with in the 1970's: "Sacherruedi (surname of the family), of Bottenwil".
I thought Bachmann was the surname of our family. What kind of a name is Sacherruedi? It almost sounds Italian. It might be our new friends "surname" too?
I'd like to solve that little part of the puzzle. Sacherruedi... hmm.
I think Emma was the baby in the family by 11 years, so she was apt to be a
bit spoiled-- a little princess. No fun being a princess in a world back
then where women had few rights. Emma was capable and in charge, and would
have fit much better into today's society.
Do you mind if I write Sara Lund? Her grandmother, Comfort, was the
official family historian, and Sara may know where her family treasures
ended up. I think Comfort was an Ogden High School teacher and married to a
career military officer.
In digging up Hill history, every time I introduce myself to a new family
member, they ask if I've seen your blog. I bet the Gardiners are just as
thrilled with it.
In re-reading Emma's work last week at your site, I did find a few more
tidbits about the Hills. 'Emma accompanies 2 Hill families (her nephews) to
do temple work." "Verena went to work outside the home after Anna moved in
and got things under control, after the death of Elizabetha Sutter"
Thanks I'll write Sara Lund. Those are great videos you made of Jay. When
I first called him a few years back, he was a bit rude. Understandable, as
his wife had just died days before. But after that, he apologized and tried
to be helpful.
Sounds like you're having some luck with Dan Bachman. I talked to him, but
don't remember what came of it. I was looking more for stories and photos
of our ancestors, and I wasn't sure what he had? Sounds like only dates and
names. But it looks like you two are going to meet, and I hope you keep an
eye out for information on Verena Bachman Hill. After Verena's sister,
Elizabeth, died at age 20, Verena was the oldest in the family. According
to Emma, she tried to take care of her younger siblings after her mother,
Jacob's first wife, died after childbirth. Then I suppose your
great-grandmother, Anna, came on the scene soon afterwards, and Verena went
out to work. She eventually married a railroad man (Henry Hill) and moved
to Ogden, all before Emma was born. I notice where Emma says she went to
the SLC Temple with some her Hill relatives, so there were still some ties
after Verena married.
I'm wondering who family historian, Comfort Bock, gave her stuff to? I'm
waiting for a phone call from one of Comfort's nieces, Wendy Weathers.
I'm not sure where the Hedges come into our family.
In googling Hedges, I happened on a history of Ogden Valley (I'm sure you
understand that Ogden Valley didn't have much to do with Ogden City. Ogden
Valley = Eden, Liberty & Huntsville.) My grandfather Bingham was born in
Huntsville in 1880, as was President David O. McKay. I'm not sure what the
Bingham presence was in Ogden Valley-- I'll have to go to the Huntsville
cemetery one of these days. As a kid, I spent a lot of time fishing,
boating, and swimming in Pineview Reservoir. I'm sure you noticed what a
beautiful place Ogden Valley is.
Anyway, here is the history of that valley, coincidentally written by a
I think Emma was the baby in the family by 11 years, so she was apt to be a
bit spoiled-- a little princess. No fun being a princess in a world back
then where women had few rights. Emma was capable and in charge, and would
have fit much better into today's society.
Do you mind if I write Sara Lund? Her grandmother, Comfort, was the
official family historian, and Sara may know where her family treasures
ended up. I think Comfort was an Ogden High School teacher and married to a
career military officer.
In digging up Hill history, every time I introduce myself to a new family
member, they ask if I've seen your blog. I bet the Gardiners are just as
thrilled with it.
In re-reading Emma's work last week at your site, I did find a few more
tidbits about the Hills. 'Emma accompanies 2 Hill families (her nephews) to
do temple work." "Verena went to work outside the home after Anna moved in
and got things under control, after the death of Elizabetha Sutter"
Thanks I'll write Sara Lund. Those are great videos you made of Jay. When
I first called him a few years back, he was a bit rude. Understandable, as
his wife had just died days before. But after that, he apologized and tried
to be helpful.
Sounds like you're having some luck with Dan Bachman. I talked to him, but
don't remember what came of it. I was looking more for stories and photos
of our ancestors, and I wasn't sure what he had? Sounds like only dates and
names. But it looks like you two are going to meet, and I hope you keep an
eye out for information on Verena Bachman Hill. After Verena's sister,
Elizabeth, died at age 20, Verena was the oldest in the family. According
to Emma, she tried to take care of her younger siblings after her mother,
Jacob's first wife, died after childbirth. Then I suppose your
great-grandmother, Anna, came on the scene soon afterwards, and Verena went
out to work. She eventually married a railroad man (Henry Hill) and moved
to Ogden, all before Emma was born. I notice where Emma says she went to
the SLC Temple with some her Hill relatives, so there were still some ties
after Verena married.
I'm wondering who family historian, Comfort Bock, gave her stuff to? I'm
waiting for a phone call from one of Comfort's nieces, Wendy Weathers.
I'm not sure where the Hedges come into our family.
In googling Hedges, I happened on a history of Ogden Valley (I'm sure you
understand that Ogden Valley didn't have much to do with Ogden City. Ogden
Valley = Eden, Liberty & Huntsville.) My grandfather Bingham was born in
Huntsville in 1880, as was President David O. McKay. I'm not sure what the
Bingham presence was in Ogden Valley-- I'll have to go to the Huntsville
cemetery one of these days. As a kid, I spent a lot of time fishing,
boating, and swimming in Pineview Reservoir. I'm sure you noticed what a
beautiful place Ogden Valley is.
Anyway, here is the history of that valley, coincidentally written by a