Catherine Stoker was born in 1829, in Bloomfield, Jackson County, Ohio. Her family came from Switzerland then to Maryland and North Carolina before settling in Ohio. She listened to Joseph Smith and witnessed the building of the Nauvoo temple and when driven out, laid her father to rest in Winter Quarters. Thereafter she came across the plains.
Daughter of David Stoker and Barbara Graybill
Married Sylvanus Cyrus Hulet, 19 May 1850, Mt. Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa
Children - Luella Hulet, John Riley Hulet, Oscar Willard Hulet, Sylvanus Cyrus Hulet, Sylvester Silas Hulet, Catherine Melissa Hulet, Emma Tryphena Hulet, Sarah Ann Hulet, Charles Franklin Sr Hulet, Barbara Adlinda Hulet
History - Catherine Stoker was a daughter of David Stoker and Barbara Graybill. She was born July 29, 1829, at Bloom. field, Jackson County, Ohio.
It was at Mt. Pisgah that Sylvanus met and fell in love with Catherine Stoker. They were married May 19, 1850, by a Reverend Marsh. Soon after their marriage, Sylvanus and Catherine started on their journey westward with a company under the leadership of Aaron Johnson.
It was the latter part of September when they reached Salt Lake City. They thought they had reached the end of their journey, but President Young appointed them to go on with others to settle the area known as Hobble Creek. It was the first week in October 1850, when they arrived at the place that was later named Springville. Winter was near and they had to prepare for the cold months ahead. Sylvanus, his father Charles, and William Smith were the first to take their teams and wagons and go to the canyon for logs for house building and fuel. Sylvanus and his father took up farming and chair making as a means of providing for their families.
It was here that Sylvanus and Catherine's first child was born on February 27, 1851. They named him John Riley. Sarah Ann, born September 20, 1852; Barbara Adlinda, born November 18, 1854; the twins, Sylvanus Cyrus, Jr., and Sylvester Silas, born April 17, 1857, and Catherine Melissa, born May 18, 1860. Four more children were born in St. George—Emma Tryphena, born July 19, 1862, and died October 10, 1864; Charles Franklin, born November 11, 1864; Luella, born January 1, 1867; and Oscar Willard, born March 9, 1870.
Catherine labored a great deal among the sick. Whenever there was sickness in the community she was called to help care for them. When the first Relief Society was organized, March 10, 1878, she was chosen as president, a position she faithfully filled until her death November 8, 1882 at the age of 53.
In Springville one day, while Sylvanus was away from home, an Indian came and asked Catherine for bread and flour. At that time flour was very scarce among the Saints so she told him she had no bread. With that reply he stepped over to the cradle, drew his bow and pointed the arrow at the baby. Fearing that he would harm the child, she gave the Indian the bread they so sorely needed for themselves. After securing the food, the Indian seemed satisfied and left.
Hope Hulet history:
My grandmother, Catherine Hulet, also, was addicted to the habit of smoking. She tried very hard to overcome the habit. Grandfather didn’t use tobacco and likely was anxious for her to leave it alone. She would try to do without, but her tongue would swell until she couldn’t talk. It must have been a great trial to her to want so much to get away from tobacco, and be unable to do so. She was such a wonderful, kind, and devoted wife and mother. She was always willing to help her neighbors when they needed help in time of sickness or sorrow. Her life had been one of hard work and hardships, from the time her family joined the Church, throughout the rest of her life. She and Grandfather were just getting to the place where they could enjoy some of the fruits of their labors when she became seriously ill and passed away. She must have been a good manager to raise the healthy strong family that she had, under all the trials and hardships they passed through.
Birth: | Jul. 24, 1829 Jackson County Ohio, USA |
Relief Society: | ![]() 1850 federal census, Utah territory: 1860 federal census for Springville: 1870 federal census: Video of the Sylvanus Hulet Home in Summit, UT: |
2010 Inside Sylvanus Hulet Sr's Home from Deborah Gardiner on Vimeo.
Nov. 8, 1882
Iron County
Utah, USA
Catharine, Beloved Wife of S.C. Hulet Born July 24, 1929, Died Nov 8, 1882.
Foot stone says MOTHER. (Faith in Every Footstep Pioneer Sticker)
![]() |
Headstone of Catharine Stoker in Summit, UT. Photo taken 24 July 2013 on Catharine's 184th birthday. |
From Nauvoo Records Office:
Birth 24 Jul 1829 Bloomfield, Morrow, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
Gender Female
Baptized (LDS) 1843
Endowed (LDS) 1 Aug 1992 JRIVE Find all individuals with events at this location [4]
Person ID I22162 Early Latter-day Saints
Last Modified 07 Feb 2007
Father David Stoker, b. 23 Mar 1795, , Ashe, North Carolina, USA Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 27 May 1852, Trader's Point (Council Bluffs), Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
Mother Barbara Graybill, b. Apr 1792, , Ashe, North Carolina, USA Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 3 Oct 1872, Summit, Iron, Utah, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
Married 1814
Sealed P (LDS) 16 Jun 1992 SGEOR Find all individuals with events at this location
Family ID F12915 Group Sheet
Family Sylvanus Cyrus Hulett, b. 14 Mar 1826, Nelson, Portage, Ohio, USA Find all individuals with events at this location, d. 22 Oct 1901, Summit, Iron, Utah, USA Find all individuals with events at this location
Married 19 May 1850 Mount Pisgah, Harrison, Iowa, USA Find all individuals with events at this location [5]
Sealed S (LDS) 3 Apr 1987 PROVO Find all individuals with events at this location [4]
Family ID F14358 Group Sheet
Members, LDS, 1830-1848, by Susan Easton Black, Vol 41 pp 880-882
Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude p 1442
"Michael and Catherine Eller Stoker" (Book in the Land and Records Library)
1. [S6] LDS - Membership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:1830-1848, 50 vols., Black, Susan Easton, Compiler, (LDS Church, Salt Lake City, 1990), 1830-1848, by Susan Easton Black, Vol 41 pp 880-882.
2. [S9] Book - Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude, 4 vols, International Society of Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, (Salt Lake City, Utah, 1998), p 1442.
3. [S22337]
4. [S2] Internet Link - International Genealogical Index, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
5. [S35] Internet Link - Ancestral File, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998).
Catherine Stoker Hulet was born July 24,
1829 at Jackson, Ohio. The parents of both Sylvanus and Catherine were
early members of the Church. When but a young boy and girl, they too
were baptized members of the L.D.S. Church. With their parents they
suffered the persecutions of the early saints. When Sylvanus was yet but
a young boy his father took him to see the Prophet Joseph Smith. The
memory of this occasion was always held dear.
He was also at the meeting when Brigham Young was chosen to take the place of the Prophet Joseph and witnessed the manifestation when the mantle of Joseph fell on Brigham Young. On April 19, 1850, Sylvanus and Catherine were married at Mt. Pisgah, Iowa, by Reverend Marsh. Shortly after, the young coouple left with a company of saints to make the long journey across the plains to the Rocky Mountains. Many hardships were endured on this long hard trip to the west. During the course of the journey, cholera broke out in the company. Suffering and death occured along the trail and the mourning of some of the saints could be heard over the departure of a loved one[. M]any new graves marked the trail of those west bound emigrants. On one occasion Sylvanus had the good furtune to kill a buffalo. The meat being distributed among the needy of the company. Upon their arrival in Utah, they made their home at Springville. Sylvanus took up farming and chairmaking to provide a livelihood. It was at this place their first child was born Feb. 27, 1851. The Indians were bad and could not be trusted. One day while Catherine's husband was away from home, an Indian came into the house and asked for bread. Flour at that time was very scarce among the saints, so she told him she had no bread. At that he stepped up to the cradle, drew his bow and pointed the arrow at the baby. Through the mother's fear and anxiety for her child she gave him the bread they so sorely needed for themselves. After securing the food he desired, the Indian left satisfied. A while after their third child was born Sylvanus and Catherine were sealed in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City. In the spring of 1856 Sylvanus was called with others to go back across the plains to assist in bringing another company of saints to Utah. They made their home at Springville until 1861 when he was called to go south to help settle the Dixie country. They were one of the 300 familes sent by Brigham Young under the leadership of Erastus Snow and Orson Pratt to settle the region. During the years they lived in Springville they had built them a good home.
In leaving they were forced to part with it at a great sacrifice. For the journey south, they purchased a big government wagon and also used the wagon they already owned. Three yoke of oxen were worked on one wagon and a mule team and a horse team pulled the other. The family then numbered eight including the parents. They took with them some cows and what household goods they could, then started on their way. One month was required to make the journey to their destination. Upon arriving in Dixie they found a very desolate country. However, the company of new settlers were thrifty and went earnestly to work. They laid out a townsite and called the new settlement St. George. They soon moved onto city lots and began once more to build homes. In the short space of two or three years, the place began to flourish. Cotton was grown, vineyards and orchards were planted. Farming was done. Besides work on the temple, tabernacle and courthouse had already begun. The cotton was carded and spun by the women. They trained their hands to do many things that only pioneers could accomplish. This couple, Sylvanus and Catherine put fourth their best efforts for the growth and development of that region. The Indians were still troublesome. On several occasions they drove off animals belonging to the settlers. Two men who were looking after horses and cattle, were killed by the Indans. Sylvanus and some other men were called to go and bring back the horses and cattle which had been driven off. Those were anxious hours, for the wives who were watching and praying for the safe return of thier husbands. After the temple was completed and dedicated, Sylvanus and wife did temple work there and had their three olderst children sealed to them. They made their home at St. George until 1872 but prior to this date they had purchased some farming land at Summit, Iron Co., Utah. Some 80 miles north of St George.
For a few years they attempted to care for both places with the help of their older children. Which caused many journeys to be made between St. George and Summit with teams and wagon. Finally the St. George home was sold and the family settled permanently at Summit. Before leaving St. George, however, he was released from the Dixie mission by Apostle Erastus Snow. As yet there had been no Ward organiaation at Summit. A presiding elder looked after the church affairs at that place but the years following the arrival of the Hulet family, Sylvanus was chosen to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the presiding elder who had previously officiated in that capacity. He continued to fill that position until a Ward organization could be effected, which was July 27, 1877. He was then ordained Bishop of the Summit Ward. After locating at Summit his wife Catherine labored a great deal among the sick. Whenever there was sickness in that community, she was always called upon to help care for them. When the first Relief Society was organized at Summit March 10, 1878 she was chosen president, which position she faithfully filled until her death, November 8, 1882. She was the mother of ten children, nine of whom she raised to maturity.
Their names are as follows: John Riley, born 29 February 1851, Springville, Utah. Sarah Ann, born 20 September 1852, Springville, Utah. Barbara Addilenda, born 18 November 1854, Springville, Utah. Sylvanus Cyrus and Sylvester Silas -- twins 17 Apr 1857, Springville, Utah. Melissa Catherine, born 18 Nov 1860 Emma Tryphena, born 19 July 1862, St. George, Utah. Charles Franklin, born 11 November 1864, St. George, Utah. Luella, born 1 January 1867, St. George, Utah. Oscar Willard, born 9 March 1870, St. George, Utah. After the death of his wife Catherine, Sylvanus married Zina Miller, March 21, 1883. From this union there were four daughters. On October 7, 1884 he was married to Betsy Dalley. From this marriage there was one daughter. He continued to fill the position as bishop until sometime in 1888 when he was released[. He] remained a faithful member of the Church until his death which occured October 22, 1901."
He was also at the meeting when Brigham Young was chosen to take the place of the Prophet Joseph and witnessed the manifestation when the mantle of Joseph fell on Brigham Young. On April 19, 1850, Sylvanus and Catherine were married at Mt. Pisgah, Iowa, by Reverend Marsh. Shortly after, the young coouple left with a company of saints to make the long journey across the plains to the Rocky Mountains. Many hardships were endured on this long hard trip to the west. During the course of the journey, cholera broke out in the company. Suffering and death occured along the trail and the mourning of some of the saints could be heard over the departure of a loved one[. M]any new graves marked the trail of those west bound emigrants. On one occasion Sylvanus had the good furtune to kill a buffalo. The meat being distributed among the needy of the company. Upon their arrival in Utah, they made their home at Springville. Sylvanus took up farming and chairmaking to provide a livelihood. It was at this place their first child was born Feb. 27, 1851. The Indians were bad and could not be trusted. One day while Catherine's husband was away from home, an Indian came into the house and asked for bread. Flour at that time was very scarce among the saints, so she told him she had no bread. At that he stepped up to the cradle, drew his bow and pointed the arrow at the baby. Through the mother's fear and anxiety for her child she gave him the bread they so sorely needed for themselves. After securing the food he desired, the Indian left satisfied. A while after their third child was born Sylvanus and Catherine were sealed in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City. In the spring of 1856 Sylvanus was called with others to go back across the plains to assist in bringing another company of saints to Utah. They made their home at Springville until 1861 when he was called to go south to help settle the Dixie country. They were one of the 300 familes sent by Brigham Young under the leadership of Erastus Snow and Orson Pratt to settle the region. During the years they lived in Springville they had built them a good home.
In leaving they were forced to part with it at a great sacrifice. For the journey south, they purchased a big government wagon and also used the wagon they already owned. Three yoke of oxen were worked on one wagon and a mule team and a horse team pulled the other. The family then numbered eight including the parents. They took with them some cows and what household goods they could, then started on their way. One month was required to make the journey to their destination. Upon arriving in Dixie they found a very desolate country. However, the company of new settlers were thrifty and went earnestly to work. They laid out a townsite and called the new settlement St. George. They soon moved onto city lots and began once more to build homes. In the short space of two or three years, the place began to flourish. Cotton was grown, vineyards and orchards were planted. Farming was done. Besides work on the temple, tabernacle and courthouse had already begun. The cotton was carded and spun by the women. They trained their hands to do many things that only pioneers could accomplish. This couple, Sylvanus and Catherine put fourth their best efforts for the growth and development of that region. The Indians were still troublesome. On several occasions they drove off animals belonging to the settlers. Two men who were looking after horses and cattle, were killed by the Indans. Sylvanus and some other men were called to go and bring back the horses and cattle which had been driven off. Those were anxious hours, for the wives who were watching and praying for the safe return of thier husbands. After the temple was completed and dedicated, Sylvanus and wife did temple work there and had their three olderst children sealed to them. They made their home at St. George until 1872 but prior to this date they had purchased some farming land at Summit, Iron Co., Utah. Some 80 miles north of St George.
For a few years they attempted to care for both places with the help of their older children. Which caused many journeys to be made between St. George and Summit with teams and wagon. Finally the St. George home was sold and the family settled permanently at Summit. Before leaving St. George, however, he was released from the Dixie mission by Apostle Erastus Snow. As yet there had been no Ward organiaation at Summit. A presiding elder looked after the church affairs at that place but the years following the arrival of the Hulet family, Sylvanus was chosen to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the presiding elder who had previously officiated in that capacity. He continued to fill that position until a Ward organization could be effected, which was July 27, 1877. He was then ordained Bishop of the Summit Ward. After locating at Summit his wife Catherine labored a great deal among the sick. Whenever there was sickness in that community, she was always called upon to help care for them. When the first Relief Society was organized at Summit March 10, 1878 she was chosen president, which position she faithfully filled until her death, November 8, 1882. She was the mother of ten children, nine of whom she raised to maturity.
Their names are as follows: John Riley, born 29 February 1851, Springville, Utah. Sarah Ann, born 20 September 1852, Springville, Utah. Barbara Addilenda, born 18 November 1854, Springville, Utah. Sylvanus Cyrus and Sylvester Silas -- twins 17 Apr 1857, Springville, Utah. Melissa Catherine, born 18 Nov 1860 Emma Tryphena, born 19 July 1862, St. George, Utah. Charles Franklin, born 11 November 1864, St. George, Utah. Luella, born 1 January 1867, St. George, Utah. Oscar Willard, born 9 March 1870, St. George, Utah. After the death of his wife Catherine, Sylvanus married Zina Miller, March 21, 1883. From this union there were four daughters. On October 7, 1884 he was married to Betsy Dalley. From this marriage there was one daughter. He continued to fill the position as bishop until sometime in 1888 when he was released[. He] remained a faithful member of the Church until his death which occured October 22, 1901."
of Barbara GRAYBILL
First Generation
Barbara GRAYBILL [1850],1 daughter of John Peter GRAYBILL [1851] and Christina
WAMPLER [1852], was born on 1 Apr 1792 in Ashville, Ashe Co., NC, died on 3
Oct 1872 in Summit, Iron Co., UT at age 80, and was buried in Summit, Iron Co.,
General Notes: Barbara is buried in the
Summit Cemetery, plot #L-8a.
Barbara married David STOKER
[1849]2 [MRIN:
688], son of Michael STOKER [1868] and Catherine ELLER [1869], in
1814 in , Jackson Co., OH.3 David was born on 23 Mar 1795 in
Ashville, Ashe Co., NC and died on 27 May 1872 in Traders Point, Pottawattamie
Co., IA at age 77.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 2
i. Catherine STOKER [321]4 was
born on 24 Jul 1829 in Bloomfield, Jackson Co., OH, died on 8 Nov 1882 in
Summit, Iron Co., UT at age 53, and was buried in Summit, Iron Co., UT.
3 M
ii. John STOKER [1857].3
John married Jane McDANIEL
[1858]3 [MRIN:
692], daughter of James McDANIEL [1855] and Zehiah McCARLEY
[1856], on 21 Jan 1836 in , , MO.3 Jane was born on 24 Feb
1810 in Raccoon, Gallia Co., OH and died on 20 Jan 1890 in Bountiful, Davis
Co., UT at age 79.
4 M
iii. William STOKER [1859]3 was
born on 26 Mar 1819 in Bloomfield, Jackson Co., OH and died on 19 May 1892 in
Spanish Fork, Utah Co., UT at age 73.
William married Almira WINEGAR
[1860]3 [MRIN:
693] in Oct 1838 in Far West, Caldwell Co., MO.3 Almira was born on 27 Feb
1818 in Homer, Cortland Co., NY and died on 6 Nov 1884 in Spanish Fork, Utah
Co., UT at age 66.
5 F
iv. Nancy STOKER [1861]3 was
born in Oct 1824 in Bloomfield, Jackson Co., OH and died in 1840 at age 16.
6 F
v. Sarah STOKER [1862]3 was
born on 26 Jun 1827 in Bloomfield, Jackson Co., OH and died on 10 Mar 1908 in
Summit, Iron Co., UT at age 80.
Sarah married Edward Horace DAVIS
[1863]3 [MRIN:
694] on 10 Mar 1908 in Bloomfield, Jackson Co., OH.3 Edward was born
on 24 Nov 1825 in Holderman, Northumberland, Ontario, Canada and died on 9 Jan
1873 in Summit, Iron Co., UT at age 47.
7 F
vi. Christine STOKER [1853]3 was
born on 24 Aug 1815 in Bloomfield, Jackson Co., OH and died on 10 May 1854 in
Alpine, Utah Co., UT at age 38.
Christine married John Riley
McDANIEL [1854]3 [MRIN: 690], son of James McDANIEL [1855] and
Zehiah McCARLEY [1856], on 8 Feb 1835 in , Jackson Co., OH.3 John
was born on 10 Jul 1812 in Bloomfield, Jackson Co., OH and died on 11 Nov 1884
in Alpine, Utah Co., UT at age 72.
8 M
vii. Michael STOKER [1864]3 was
born on 12 Sep 1833 in Bloomfield, Jackson Co., OH, died on 2 Sep 1904 in
Junction, Piute Co., UT at age 70, and was buried in Junction, Piute Co., UT.
The cause of his death was Injuries by being kicked by a horse.
General Notes: Michael is buried in the
Junction Cemetery, Block 5 Lot 1 Sevier Drive.
Michael married Ellen DRAPER
[1865]3 [MRIN:
695] on 1 Jul 1892 in Bloomfield, Jackson Co., OH.3 Ellen was born on
25 May 1846 in Nauvoo, Hancock Co., IL and died on 11 Jul 1939 in Vernal,
Unitah Co., UT at age 93.
Michael next married Polly Brittann
HUGHES [1866]3 [MRIN: 696] on 1 Dec 1854 in Springville, Utah Co.,
UT.3 Polly
was born on 1 Jul 1833 in Bastard Township, Leeds, Johnstown, Ontario, Canada
and died on 10 Mar 1882 in Junction, Piute Co., UT at age 48.
Michael next married Martha
FREDERICK [1867]3 [MRIN: 697] on 29 May 1883 in Bloomfield, Jackson
Co., OH.3 Martha
was born on 9 Mar 1858 in San Bernardino, San Bernardino Co., CA and died on 24
Aug 1896 in Marysvale, Piute Co., UT at age 38.
Second Generation
Catherine STOKER [321]4 (Barbara 1)
was born on 24 Jul 1829 in Bloomfield, Jackson Co., OH, died on 8 Nov 1882 in
Summit, Iron Co., UT at age 53, and was buried in Summit, Iron Co., UT.
General Notes: Catherine is buried in
the Summit Cemetery, plot #L-7g.
Catherine married Sylvanus Cyrus
HULET [140]5 [MRIN: 116], son of Charles HULET [335] and Margaret
Ann NOAH [336], on 19 May 1850 in Mt. Pisgah, Harrison Co., IA. Sylvanus
was born on 14 Mar 1826 in Nelson, Portage Co., OH, died on 22 Oct 1901 in
Summit, Iron Co., UT at age 75, and was buried in Summit, Iron Co., UT.
Children from this marriage were:
9 M
i. John Riley HULET [322]6 was
born on 27 Feb 1851 in Springville, Utah Co., UT and died on 11 Jan 1925 in
Snowflake, Navajo Co., AZ at age 73.
John married Mary Josephine SMITH
[323]6 [MRIN:
117] on 12 Oct 1875 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT. Mary was born on 23
Jan 1855 in Parowan, Iron Co., UT and died on 17 Dec 1894 in Snowflake, Navajo
Co., AZ at age 39.
10 F
ii. Sarah Ann HULET [324]6 was
born on 30 Sep 1852 in Springville, Utah Co., UT and died on 8 Mar 1944 in
Parowan, Iron Co., UT at age 91.
Sarah married Peter WIMMER [325]6 [MRIN:
118] on 31 May 1875 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT. Peter was born on 23
Mar 1842 in Columbus, Adams Co., IL and died on 6 Jan 1930 in American Fork,
Utah Co., UT at age 87.
11 F
iii. Barbara Adlinda HULET
[1772]7 was
born on 18 Nov 1854 in Springville, Utah Co., UT, died on 4 Jun 1930 in Summit,
Iron Co., UT at age 75, and was buried in Summit, Iron Co., UT.
General Notes: Barbara is buried in the
Summit Cemetery.
Barbara married William Hoy SMITH
[1771]8 [MRIN:
656], son of Thomas Price SMITH [326] and Susannah FISH [327], on
22 Oct 1879 in St. George, Washington Co., UT.9 William was born on 16 Mar
1854 in Norwich, Norfolk, England, died on 20 Apr 1945 in Summit, Iron Co., UT
at age 91, and was buried on 23 Apr 1945 in Summit, Iron Co., UT. The cause of
his death was Arterio selerotic heart disease; old age.
12 M
iv. Sylvanus Cyrus HULET Jr.
[196]10 was
born on 15 Apr 1857 in Springville, Utah Co., UT, died on 25 Nov 1942 in
Enterprise, Morgan Co., UT at age 85, and was buried on 14 Dec 1942 in
Enterprise, Morgan Co., UT. The cause of his death was Chronic cardio-renal
General Notes: Sylvanus is buried in
the Enterprise Cemetery.
Sylvanus married Mary Ida DALLEY
[195]11 [MRIN:
74], daughter of James DALLEY [27] and Patrena BERTELSEN [190],
on 25 Apr 1883 in St. George, Washington Co., UT. Mary was born on 15 Nov 1864
in Summit, Iron Co., UT and died on 6 May 1948 in Enterprise, Morgan Co., UT at
age 83.
13 M
v. Sylvester Silas HULET
[328]6 was
born on 17 Apr 1857 in Springville, Utah Co., UT and died on 6 Feb 1950 in
Wendell, Gooding Co., ID at age 92.
Sylvester married Mary Elizabeth
DALLEY [160]12 [MRIN: 140], daughter of James DALLEY [27]
and Emma WRIGHT [28], on 22 Oct 1879 in Dayton, Franklin Co., ID. Mary
was born on 8 Sep 1856 in Johnsons Fort, Iron Co., UT, died on 4 May 1943 in
Dayton, Franklin Co., ID at age 86, and was buried on 7 May 1943 in Dayton,
Franklin Co., ID.
Sylvester next married Sarah Ann
DALLEY [147]12 [MRIN: 120], daughter of James DALLEY [27]
and Johanna Bolette BERTELSEN [124], on 14 Oct 1885 in St. George,
Washington Co., UT. Sarah was born on 14 Oct 1866 in Summit, Iron Co., UT, died
on 29 Dec 1954 in Driggs, Teton Co., ID at age 88, and was buried on 31 Dec
1954 in Driggs, Teton Co., ID.
14 F vi.
Catherine Melissa HULET [329]6 was born on 18 May 1860 in
Springville, Utah Co., UT and died on 28 Nov 1956 in Joseph, Sevier Co., UT at
age 96. Another name for Catherine was Katherine.
Catherine married James Hillman
DALLEY [227]13 [MRIN: 84], son of William H. DALLEY [14]
and Mandana HILLMAN [15], on 8 Nov 1877 in St. George, Washington Co.,
UT. James was born on 11 Dec 1855 in Johnsons Fort, Iron Co., UT, died on 10
Mar 1938 in Circleville, Piute Co., UT at age 82, and was buried on 13 Mar 1938
in Circleville, Piute Co., UT. The cause of his death was Chronic prostate
15 F
vii. Emma Tryphena HULET
[228]6 was
born on 19 Jul 1862 in St. George, Washington Co., UT and died on 10 Oct 1864
in St. George, Washington Co., UT at age 2.
16 M
viii. Charles Franklin HULET
[166]14 was
born on 11 Nov 1864 in St. George, Washington Co., UT, died on 29 Nov 1915 in
New Castle, Iron Co., UT at age 51, and was buried in Summit, Iron Co., UT.
General Notes: Charles is buried in the
Summit Cemetery, plot #M-7c.
Charles married Harriet Marie DALLEY
[165]15 [MRIN:
64], daughter of James DALLEY [27] and Emma WRIGHT [28]. Harriet
was born on 29 May 1865 in Summit, Iron Co., UT, died on 7 Jun 1939 in Parowan,
Iron Co., UT at age 74, and was buried on 9 Jun 1939 in Summit, Iron Co., UT.
The cause of her death was Acute penitonitis following acute intestinal
17 F
ix. Luella HULET [330]16 was
born on 1 Jan 1867 in St. George, Washington Co., UT and died on 15 Jun 1961 in
Driggs, Teton Co., ID at age 94.
Luella married Robert Bertelsen
DALLEY [193]17 [MRIN: 121], son of James DALLEY [27] and Patrena
BERTELSEN [190], on 21 Apr 1889 in St. George, Washington Co., UT. Robert
was born on 24 Sep 1862 in Summit, Iron Co., UT and died on 29 Nov 1953 in
Driggs, Teton Co., ID at age 91.
18 M
x. Oscar Willard HULET [194]18 was
born on 9 Mar 1871 in St. George, Washington Co., UT, died on 8 Oct 1940 in
Cedar City, Iron Co., UT at age 69, and was buried on 10 Oct 1940 in Summit,
Iron Co., UT. The cause of his death was Chronic bronchitis.
General Notes: Oscar was a farmer and
stock raiser. He is buried in the Summit Cemetery, plot #M-3c.
Oscar married Susannah Melling JONES
[274]6 [MRIN:
73] on 15 Jun 1898 in St. George, Washington Co., UT. Susannah was born on 16
Apr 1879 in Enoch, Iron Co., UT, died on 1 Jan 1957 in Cedar City, Iron Co., UT
at age 77, and was buried in Summit, Iron Co., UT
1. Cemetery Gravestone,
Summit Cemetery Pictures. .... digital images, Anestry, "One World
Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 1 Oct 2011).
2. digital images, Anestry,
"Davis Family Tree by Gabrielle Faron DAVIS," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 1 Oct 2011). ....
digital images, Anestry, "One World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 1 Oct 2011).
3. digital images, Anestry,
"One World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 1 Oct 2011).
4. "Utah Burial
Database," database ( accessed 23 Apr 2011), Catherine HULET. .... digital
images, Anestry, "One World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 23 Apr 2011).
5. digital images, Anestry,
"One World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 22 Apr 2011). ....
"Utah Burial Database," database ( accessed 23 Apr 2011), Sylvanus C.
HULET. .... Utah State of Utah, Division of Archives & Records Services,
death certificate 4 (1943), Narah MADSEN; digital image, State of Utah,
(accessed 21 Sep 2011). .... Utah State of Utah, Division of Archives &
Records Services, death certificate 10 (1943), Theresa RADFORD; digital image,
State of Utah, (accessed 23 Sep 2011). .... digital images, Anestry,
"THCaswell3 Family Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 19 Apr 2011).
6. digital images, Anestry,
"One World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 23 Apr 2011).
7. 1910 U.S. census, Iron,
UT, population schedule, Summit; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com);
citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T624. .... 1930
U.S. census, Iron, UT, population schedule, Summit; digital images, Ancestry.com
Operations (http://www.ancestry.com); citing National Archives and
Records Administration microfilm T626. .... digital images, Anestry, "One
World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 23 Apr 2011). ....
Cemetery Gravestone, Summit Cemetery Pictures. .... 1900 U.S. census, Iron, UT,
population schedule, Summit; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com);
citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T623.
8. Utah State of Utah,
Division of Archives & Records Services, death certificate 17 (1945),
William H. SMITH; digital image, State of Utah, (accessed 24 Sep 2011). ....
1880 U.S. census, Iron, UT Territory, population schedule, Summit Creek;
digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com); citing
National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T9. .... 1900 U.S.
census, Iron, UT, population schedule, Summit; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com);
citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T623. .... 1910
U.S. census, Iron, UT, population schedule, Summit; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com);
citing National Archives and Records Administration microfilm T624. .... 1930
U.S. census, Iron, UT, population schedule, Summit; digital images, Ancestry.com
Operations (http://www.ancestry.com); citing National Archives and
Records Administration microfilm T626. .... digital images, Anestry, "One
World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 23 Apr 2011). ....
Cemetery Gravestone, Summit Cemetery Pictures. .... digital images, Anestry,
"davis-dinse [1] Family Tree by byron611," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 24 Sep 2011).
9. digital images, Anestry,
"davis-dinse [1] Family Tree by byron611," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 24 Sep 2011).
10. Utah State of Utah,
Division of Archives & Records Services, death certificate 15 (1942),
Sylvanus Cyrus HULET Jr; digital image, State of Utah, (accessed 23 Apr 2011).
.... digital images, Anestry, "One World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 19 Apr 2011).
11. digital images, Anestry,
"One World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 19 Apr 2011).
12. digital images, Anestry,
"THCaswell3 Family Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 19 Apr 2011).
13. Sons of the Utah
Pioneers, editor, Pioneer Immigrants to the Utah Territory Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com
: downloaded 20 Apr 2011), James Hillman DALLEY. .... Utah State of Utah,
Division of Archives & Records Services, death certificate 2 (1938), James
Hillman DALLEY; digital image, State of Utah, (accessed 20 Apr 2011).
14. "Utah Burial
Database," database ( accessed 23 Apr 2011), Charles F. HULET. .... Utah
State of Utah, Division of Archives & Records Services, death certificate
43 (1939), Harriet Maria DALLEY HULET; digital image, State of Utah, (accessed
23 Apr 2011). .... digital images, Anestry, "One World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 23 Apr 2011). ....
digital images, Anestry, "THCaswell3 Family Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 19 Apr 2011).
15. Utah State of Utah,
Division of Archives & Records Services, death certificate 43 (1939),
Harriet Maria DALLEY HULET; digital image, State of Utah, (accessed 23 Apr
2011). .... "Utah Burial Database," database ( accessed 23 Apr 2011),
Harriet M. HULET. .... digital images, Anestry, "THCaswell3 Family
Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 19 Apr 2011).
16. digital images, Anestry,
"One World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 19 Apr 2011). ....
digital images, Anestry, "One World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 23 Apr 2011).
17. digital images, Anestry,
"One World Tree," Ancestry.com
18. Utah State of Utah,
Division of Archives & Records Services, death certificate 62 (1940), Oscar
Willard HULET; digital image, State of Utah, (accessed 23 Apr 2011). ....
digital images, Anestry, "One World Tree," Ancestry.com
(http://ancestry.com : accessed 23 Apr 2011).
Posted 30th September
2011 by Pamela's Genealogy Addiction